Definition for SAV'OR

SAV'OR, n. [Fr. saveur; L. sapor; W. sawyr; Arm. saour; from L. sapio, to taste.]

  1. Taste or odor; something that perceptibly affects the organs of taste and smell; as, the savor of an orange or rose; an ill savor; a sweet savor. I smell sweet savors. Shak. In Scripture, it usually denotes smell, scent, odor. Lev. xxvi. Eccles. x.
  2. The quality which renders a thing valuable; the quality which renders other bodies agreeable to the taste. If the salt hath lost its savor … – Matth. v.
  3. In Scripture, character; reputation. Exod. v.
  4. Cause; occasion. 2 Cor. ii. Sweet savor, in Scripture, denotes that which renders a thing acceptable to God, or his acceptance. Hence, to smell a sweet savor, is to accept the offering or service. Gen. viii.

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