Definition for CAL'UM-NY

CAL'UM-NY, n. [L. calumnia; Fr. calomnie; It. calumnia. If m is radical, this word may be allied to calamity, both from the sense of falling upon, rushing, or throwing on. If m is not radical, this word may be the Gothic holon, to calumniate, Saxon holan, to rush upon. The word is found in Ir. guilimne, calumny, guilimnighim, to calumniate or reproach.]

Slander; false accusation of a crime or offense, knowingly or maliciously made or reported, to the injury of another; false representation of facts reproachful to another, made by design, and with knowledge of its falsehood; sometimes followed by on. Neglected calumny soon expires. – Murphy's Tacitus.

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