Definition for DIM

DIM, a. [Sax. dim; Dan. dum, dark, obscure, dim and dumb; dummer, to dim; dummes, to grow dim or dull, to stupefy, Eng. dumps, dumpish; Sw. dimba, fog, mist, a cloud; Ir. deimhe, darkness; Russ. tuman, fog; temnei, dark, obscure; Sans. tama, black, Finn. tumma. It seems to be allied to damp, vapor, Russ. dim or deim. See Damp. If dim and dumb are of the same family, the sense is close, thick.]

  1. Not seeing clearly; having the vision obscured and indistinct. When Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim. – Gen. xxvii.
  2. Not clearly seen; obscure; imperfectly seen or discovered; as, a dim prospect.
  3. Somewhat dark; dusky; not luminous; as, a dim shade. – Spenser.
  4. Dull of apprehension; having obscure conceptions. The understanding is dim. – Rogers.
  5. Having its luster obscured; sullied; tarnished. How is the gold became dim! – Lam. iv.

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