Definition for DREAD

DREAD, n. [dred; Sax. dræd. Qu. from the root of the L. terreo, or that of Sw. rädd, fearful, rädas, to dread, Dan. ræd, fearful, Sp. arredrar, to terrify, or Ir. cratham, to tremble. If d is a prefix, see Class Rd, No. 14, 19, 22, 25, 60, 78. The primary sense is probably to tremble, or to shrink.]

  1. Great fear, or apprehension of evil or danger. It expresses more than fear, and less than terror or fright. It is an uneasiness or alarm excited by expected pain, loss or other evil. We speak of the dread of evil; the dread of suffering; the dread of the divine displeasure. It differs from terror also in being less sudden or more continued.
  2. Awe; fear united with respect.
  3. Terror. Shall not his dread fall on you? – Job xiii.
  4. The cause of fear; the person or the thing dreaded. Let him be your dread. – Is. viii.

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