Definition for AT-TAIN-A-BLE


That may be attained; that may be reached by efforts of the mind or body; that may be compassed or accomplished by efforts directed to the object; as, perfection is not attainable in this life. From an inattention to the true sense of this word, as explained under Attain, authors have very improperly used this word for obtainable, procurable; as in the following passages: “The kind and quality of food and liquor; the species of habitation, furniture and clothing to which the common people of each country are habituated, must be attainable with ease and certainty.” Paley, Phil. b. 6, ch. 11. “Gen. Howe would not permit them to be purchased in Philadelphia, and they (clothes and blankets) were not attainable in the country.” Marshall's Life of Washington, 3, 428. Each of these words should be obtainable.

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