Definition for HAL'LOW

HAL'LOW, v.t. [Sax. haligan or halgian, to consecrate, to sanctify, from halig or halg, holy, from hal, sound, safe, whole; G. heiligen, from heilig, holy, heil, whole; heilen, to heal; D. heiligen, from heilig, holy, heil, safety, happiness; Dan. helliger, from hellig, holy; heel, whole, entire; Sw. helga, from helig, holy. See Holy. It coincides in origin with hold, and L. calleo, to be able.]

  1. To make holy; to consecrate; to set apart for holy or religious use. Ex. xxviii. xxix. 1 Kings viii.
  2. To devote to holy or religious exercises; to treat as sacred. Hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein. Jer. xvii.
  3. To reverence; to honor as sacred. Hallowed be thy name. Lord's Prayer.

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