Definition for HARD

HARD, adv.

  1. Close; near; as in the phrase, hard by. In this phrase, the word retains its original sense of pressed, or pressing. So in It. presso, Fr. près, from L. pressus.
  2. With pressure; with urgency; hence, diligently; laboriously; earnestly; vehemently; importunately; as, to work hard for a living. And pray'd so hard for mercy from the prince. Dryden.
  3. With difficulty; as, the vehicle moves hard.
  4. Uneasily; vexatiously. Shak.
  5. Closely; so as to raise difficulties. The question is hard set. Brown.
  6. Fast; nimbly; rapidly; vehemently; as, to run hard, that is, with pressure or urgency.
  7. Violently; with great force; tempestuously; as, the wind blows hard, or it blows hard.
  8. With violence; with a copious descent of water; as, it rains hard.
  9. With force; as, to press hard. Hard-a-lee, in seamen's language, an order to put the helm close to the lee side of the ship, to tack or keep her head to the wind; also, that situation of the helm. Mar. Dict. Hard-a-weather, an order to put the helm close to the weather or windward side of the ship; also, that position of the helm. Hard-a-port, an order to put the helm close to the larboard side of a ship. Hard-a-starboard, an order to put the helm close to the starboard side of a ship. Mar. Dict.

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