Definition for HOWL

HOWL, v.i. [D. huilen; G. heulen; Sw. yla; Dan. hyler; Sp. aullar; L. ululo; Gr. υλαω; Corn. hoalea. Qu. W. wylaw; Arm. guela or iala; Ir. guilim; It. guaiolare. The latter coincide with wail and yell.]

  1. To cry as a dog or wolf; to utter a particular kind of loud, protracted and mournful sound. We say, the dog howls; the wolf howls. Hence,
  2. To utter a loud, mournful sound, expressive of distress; to wail. Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is at hand. Is. xiii. Ye rich men, weep and howl. James v.
  3. To roar; as a tempest.

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