Definition for GREET

GREET, v.t. [Sax. gretan, grettan, to salute, to exclaim, to cry out, to bid farewell, to approach, to touch; G. grüssen; D. groeten, to greet; Sax. grædan, to cry; Goth. greitan, Sw. gråta, Dan. græder, to weep; It. gridare; Sp. and Port. gritar; W. grydian, grydiaw, to shout, to scream or shriek, to wail, to make a vehement rough noise; perhaps L. rudo, to bray, to roar. See Class Rd, No. 7, 19, 43, 70, 75.]

  1. To address with expressions of kind wishes; to salute in kindness and respect. My lord, the Mayor of London comes to greet you. Shak.
  2. To address at meeting; to address in any manner. Shak.
  3. To congratulate.
  4. To pay compliments at a distance; to send kind wishes to. Col. iv. 2 Tim. iv.
  5. To meet and address with kindness; or to express kind wishes accompanied with an embrace. 1 Thess. v.
  6. To meet. Shak.

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