Definition for Straight

straight, adj. [ME; see stretch, v.]

  1. Undeviating; strict; exact; righteous; perfect; absolute; total; [fig.] constant; steady; single-minded; completely devoted; absolutely faithful.
  2. Restrictive; confining.
  3. Strong; intensely powerful.
  4. Uniform; not crooked; following in line; set down in the same direction.
  5. Stiff; taut; rigid; [fig.] dead; paralyzed with anguish.
  6. Narrow; strait; not broad; [fig.] demanding; requiring great sacrifice; (see “straight” in Matthew 3:3 and “strait” in Matthew 7:13-14).
  7. Undisturbed; in order; made up properly.
  8. Erect; upright; having good posture; [fig.] alert; aware; vigilant; watchful.

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