Definition for WITNESS


  1. To see or know by personal presence. I witnessed the ceremonies in New York, with which the ratification of the constitution was celebrated in 1788. – N. W. Every one has witnessed the effects of the voltaic fluid. – Good. Lect. x. Gen. Washington did not live to witness the restoration of peace. – Marshall. This is but a faint sketch of the incalculable calamities and horrors we must expect, should we ever witness the triumphs of modern infidelity. – Rob. Hall. We have witnessed all the varieties molded to such a perfect accommodation. – Bridg. Treatise. Angels that make thy church their care / Shall witness my devotion there. – Watts, Ps. 138. We have lived to witness that surprising paradox. – Hannah More.
  2. To attest; to give testimony to; to testify to something. Behold, how many things they witness against thee. Mark xv.
  3. To see the execution of an instrument, and subscribe it for the purpose of establishing its authenticity; as, to witness a bond or a deed. In the imperative mode, see, in evidence or proof; as, witness the habeas corpus, the independence of judges, &c. – Ames, 429.

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