Definition for BAR'BER-RY

BAR'BER-RY, n. [L. berberis; Ir. barbrog; D. berberis; Sp. berbero. In Eth. abarbar, is the nettle, Urtica major; in Amh., a species of thistle. Lud. Eth. 233; Amh. 39. It is probable therefore that this plant is so named from its spines or barbs. Its other name, Oxyacanthus, indicates a like origin.]

A plant of the genus Berberis, common in hedges; called in England, Pipperidge-bush. The berries are used in house-wifery, and are deemed efficacious in fluxes and fevers. The bark dyes a fine yellow, especially the bark of the root. – Miller. Encyc.

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