Definition for SPAT'TER

SPAT'TER, v.t. [This root is a derivative of the family of spit, or L. pateo. See Sputter.]

  1. To scatter a liquid substance on; to sprinkle with water or any fluid, or with any moist and dirty matter; as, to spatter a coat; to spatter the floor; to spatter the boots with mud. [This word, I believe, is applied always to fluid or moist substances. We say, to spatter with water, mud, blood, or gravy; but never to spatter with dust or meal.]
  2. Figuratively, to asperse; to defame. [In this sense, asperse is generally used.]
  3. To throw out any thing offensive; as, to spatter foul speeches. [Not is use.] – Shak.
  4. To scatter about; as, to spatter water here and there.

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