Definition for VOGUE

VOGUE, n. [vōg; Fr. vogue, a rowing; It. voga, a rowing, mode, fashion; vogare, to row; Sp. voga; vogar, to row. This word belongs to the family of Bg, Wg. See Wag and Way. The sense of vogue is way, or the going of the world.]

The way or fashion of people at any particular time; temporary mode, custom, or practice; popular reception for the time. We say, a particular form of dress is now in vogue; an amusing writer is now in vogue; such opinions are now in vogue. The phrase, the vogue of the world, used by good writers formerly, is nearly or quite obsolete. Use may revive the obsoletest word, / And banish those that now are most in vogue. – Roscommon.

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