Definition for TWIT

TWIT, v.t. [Sax. othwitan, edwitan, ætwitan, to reproach, to upbraid; a compound of ad, æth, or oth, and witan. The latter verb signifies to know, Eng. to wit, and also to impute, to ascribe, to prescribe or appoint, also to reproach; and with ge, a different prefix, gewitan, to depart. The original verb then signifies to set, send or throw. We have in this word decisive evidence that the first letter t, is a prefix, the remains of æth or oth, a word that probably coincides with the L. ad, to; and hence we may fairly infer that other words in which t precedes w, are also compound. That some of them are so, appears evident from other circumstances.]

To reproach; to upbraid; as for some previous act. He twitted his friend of falsehood. With this these scoffers twitted the Christians. Tillotson. Æsop minds men of their errors, without twitting them for what is amiss. L'Estrange.

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