Definition for RE-JOICE

RE-JOICE, v.i. [rejois'; Fr. rejouir, rejouissant; re and jouir, to enjoy; Arm. joauçzaat; It. gioire; Sp. regocijar, to rejoice; Sp. and Port. gozar, to enjoy; gozo, joy. In most of the dialects, the last radical of joy is lost; but the Spanish and Portuguese retain it in z, which is a palatal letter. Hence this word seems to be the D. juichen, to rejoice, to shout; G. jauchzen. Qu, the Dan. hujer, to rejoice; huj, a shout, joy, rejoicing, which is the English hue, in hue and cry; Fr. huer and hucher. Amidst such changes of letters, it is not easy to ascertain the primary elements. But it is easy to see that the primary sense is to shout, or to be animated or excited.]

To experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated with lively and pleasurable sensations; to exult. When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. – Prov. xxix. I will rejoice in thy salvation. – Ps. ix.

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