Definition for RE-MIT'

RE-MIT', v.t. [L. remitto, to send back; re and mitto, to send; Fr. remettre; It. rimettere; Sp. remitir.]

  1. To relax, as intensity; to make less tense or violent. So willingly doth God remit his ire. – Milton.
  2. To forgive; to surrender the right of punishing a crime; as, to remit punishment. – Dryden.
  3. To pardon, as a fault or crime. Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them. – John xx.
  4. To give up; to resign. In grievous and inhuman crimes, offenders should be remitted to their prince. – Hayward.
  5. To refer; as, a clause that remitted all to the bishop's discretion. – Bacon.
  6. To send back. The pris'ner was remitted to the guard. – Dryden.
  7. To transmit money, bills or other things in payment for goods received. American merchants remit money, bills of exchange or some species of stock, in payment for British goods.
  8. To restore. In this case the law remits him to his ancient and more certain right. – Blackstone.

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