Definition for COUN'TER-FEIT

COUN'TER-FEIT, v.t. [coun'terfit; Fr. contrefaire, contrefait; contre and faire, to make; L. contra and facio; It. contraffare, contraffatto; Sp. contrahacer, contrahecho.]

  1. To forge; to copy or imitate, without authority or right, and with a view to deceive or defraud, by passing the copy or thing forged, for that which is original or genuine; as, to counterfeit coin, bank notes, a seal, a bond, a deed or other instrument in writing, the handwriting or signature of another, &c. To make a likeness or resemblance of any thing with a view to defraud.
  2. To imitate; to copy; to make or put on a resemblance; as, to counterfeit the voice of another person; to counterfeit piety.

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