Definition for CREP'I-TATE

CREP'I-TATE, v.i. [L. crepito, to crackle, from crepo, to crack, to burst with a sharp sound; It. crepitate, crepare; Fr. crever; Sax. hreopan; Goth. hropyan; D. roepen; allied to Eng. rip, and probably from the root of rumpo, rupi, &c. See חרפ and خَرَفَ garafa. Class Rb, No. 27, and No. 18, 26, 30.]

To crackle; to snap; to burst with a small sharp abrupt sound, rapidly repeated; as salt in fire, or during calcination. It differs from detonate, which signifies, to burst with a single loud report.

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