Definition for CROAK

CROAK, v.i. [Sax. cracettan; Goth. hrukyan; L. crocio, crocito; Sp. croaxar; It. crocciare; Fr. croasser; Arm. crozal; G. krächzen; D. kraaijen, to crow, and kruchgen, to groan; Ir. grag, gragam; coinciding in elements with W. creg, cryg, hoarse, crygu, to make rough or hoarse; Sax. hreog, rough, and hreowian, to rue; Gr. κρωζω, κρωγμος, and κραζω, κραγεις. These all appear to be of one family, and from the root of rough and creak, W. rhyg. See Crow.]

  1. To make a low, hoarse noise in the throat, as a frog or other animal.
  2. To caw; to cry, as a raven or crow.
  3. To make any muttering sound, resembling that of a frog or raven; as, their bellies croak. – Locke.
  4. In contempt, to speak with a low, hollow voice.

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