Definition for PIKE

PIKE, n. [This word belongs to a numerous family of words expressing something pointed, or a sharp point, or as verbs, to dart, to thrust, to prick; Sax. piic, a small needle; W. pig, a point, a pike; pigaw, to prick; piciaw, to dart; It. pica, pike; piccare, to prick or sting; Sp. pica, picar; Fr. pique, piquer; Arm. picq, picqat; D. piek; G. pieke; Sw. and Dan. pik; Eng. peak, beak, &c. Class Bg.]

  1. A military weapon consisting of a long wooden shaft or staff, with a flat steel head pointed; called the spear. This weapon was formerly used by infantry, but its use is now limited to officers, and it is called a sponton or spontoon. Its use among soldiers is superseded by the bayonet.
  2. A fork used in husbandry; but we now use fork or pitchfork. – Tusser.
  3. Among turners, the iron sprigs used to fasten any thing to be turned. – Moxon.
  4. In ichthyology, a fish of the genus Esox, so named from its long shape or from the form of its snout. It is a fresh-water fish, living in deep water and very voracious, but very palatable food. The pike, the tyrant of the flood. – Pope.

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