Definition for PIL'LAR

PIL'LAR, n. [Fr. pilier; Sp. and Port. pilar; It. pila or piliere; L. pila, a pile, a pillar, a mortar and pestle. The L. pila denotes a heap, or things thrown, put or driven together; W. piler; Ir. pileir; Sw. pelare; Dan. pille; D. pylaar; G. pfeiler. Literally, a pile or heap; hence,]

  1. A kind of irregular column round and insulate, but deviating from the proportions of a just column. Pillars are either too massive or too slender for regular architecture; they are not restricted to any rules, and their parts and proportions are arbitrary. A square pillar is a massive work, called also a pier or piedroit, serving to support arches, &c. – Cyc.
  2. A supporter; that which sustains or upholds; that on which some superstructure rests. – Gal. ii. Shak.
  3. A monument raised to commemorate any person or remarkable transaction; it may be a single stone. And Jacob set a pillar on her grave. – Gen. xxxv. 2 Sam. xviii.
  4. Something resembling a pillar; as, a pillar of salt. – Gen. xix. So a pillar of cloud, a pillar of fire. – Exod. xiii.
  5. Foundation; support. – Job ix.
  6. In ships, a square or round timber fixed perpendicularly under the middle of the beams for supporting the decks. – Cyc.
  7. In the manege, the center of the volta, ring or manege ground, around which a horse turns. There are also pillars on the circumference or side, placed at certain distances by two and two.

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