Definition for Not

not, adv. [OE nówiht; see nought, pron.]

  1. [Following an auxiliary verb and negating the non-finite main verb.]
  2. [Negating a proposition; used for litotes or antithesis.] Un-.
  3. [Negating a finite lexical verb.]
  4. [Following a conjunction and negating an infinitive verb in a dependent clause.]
  5. [Following a main verb as part of a tag question.]
  6. [Following a linking verb and negating its noun subjective complement.]
  7. [Modifying a preposed adverbial prepositional phrase.]
  8. [Following a main imperative verb in a negative command.]
  9. Phrase. “not a”: no; none.
  10. Phrase. “not admitting”: denial; refusal to admit.
  11. Phrase. “Not even a … ”: nothing, including a.
  12. Phrase. “Not … but”: instead of.

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