Definition for Work

work, n. [see work, v.] (webplay: action, better, body, cheeks, child, color, days, diligence, dropped, duties, elements, feat, figures, fire, flowers, grace, heart, labor, machine, man, move, nature, needle, nerve, night, obtain, ruin, seamen, severe, spirit, sun, trembling, way).

  1. Labor; exertion; enterprise; activity; toil; [fig.] challenge.
  2. Product; yield; fruit; outcome; result; [fig.] quality.
  3. Job; duty; responsibility; function; task; labor.
  4. Business; employment; occupation; [fig.] daylight chores; daily duties; [fig.] needlework; sewing, knitting, tatting, stitching, and embroidery; [metaphor] poetry; creative activities.
  5. Goal; ambition; aspiration; design; project; scheme; intent; object; purpose.
  6. Creation; [fig.] writing verse; poetic composition.

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