Definition for NO

NO, adv. [Sax. na or ne; W. na; Russ. ne; Sans. na; Pers. Zend. id.]

  1. A word of denial or refusal, expressing a negative, and equivalent to nay and not. When it expresses a negative answer, it is opposed to yes or yea. Will you go? No. It is frequently used in denying propositions, and opposed to affirmation or concession. “That I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.” Exod. xvi. No, in this use, is deemed less elegant than not, but the use is very general.
  2. After another negative, it repeats the negation with great emphasis. There is none righteous, no, not one. Rom. lii. 1 Cor. v. Sometimes it follows an affirmative proposition in like manner, but still it denies with emphasis and gives force to the following negative. To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour. Gal. ii. Sometimes it begins a sentence with a like emphatical signification., strengthening the following negative. No, not the bow which so adorns the skies, / So glorious is, or boasts so many dyes. Waller.
  3. Not in any degree; as, no longer; no shorter; no more; no less.
  4. When no is repeated, it expresses negation or refusal with emphasis; as, no, no.

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