Dictionary: FUR'LOW – FUR'THER

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FUR'LOW, n. [D. verlof; G. urlaub; Dan. forlov or orlov; Sw. orlof; compounded of the root of fare, to go, and leave, permission. See Fare and Leave. The common orthography furlough is corrupt, as the last syllable exhibits false radical consonants. The true orthography is furlow.]

Leave of absence; a word used only in military affairs. Leave or license given by a commanding officer to an officer or soldier to be absent from service for a certain time.

FUR'LOW, v.t.

To furnish with a furlow; to grant leave of absence to an officer or soldier.


Having a furlow.


FUR'NACE, n. [Fr. fournaise, fourneau; It. fornace; Sp. horno; from L. fornax, furnus, either from burning, or the sense is an arch.]

  1. A place where a vehement fire and heat may be made and maintained, for melting ores or metals, &c. A furnace for casting cannon and other large operations is inclosed with walls through which a current of air is blown from a large bellows. In smaller operations a vessel is constructed with a chamber or cavity, with a door and a grate.
  2. In Scripture, a place of cruel bondage and affliction. Deut. iv.
  3. Grievous afflictions by which men are tried. Ezek. xxii.
  4. A place of temporal torment. Dan. iii.
  5. Hell; the place of endless torment. Matth. xiii.

FUR'NACE, v.t.

To throw out sparks as a furnace. Shak.

FUR'NI-MENT, n. [Fr. fourniment.]

Furniture. [Not in use.] Spenser.

FUR'NISH, v.t. [Fr. fournir; Arm. fourniçza; It. fornire. There is a close affinity, in sense and elements, between furnish, garnish, and the L. orno, which may have been forno or horno. We see in furlow, above, the f is lost in three of the languages, and it may be so in orno. The primary sense is to put on, or to set on.]

  1. To supply with any thing wanted or necessary; as, to furnish a family with provisions; to furnish arms for defense; to furnish a table; to furnish a library; to furnish one with money or implements.
  2. To supply; to store; as, to furnish the mind with ideas; to furnish one with knowledge or principles.
  3. To fit up; to supply with the proper goods, vessels or ornamental appendages; as, to furnish a house or a room.
  4. To equip; to fit for an expedition; to supply.


Supplied; garnished; fitted with necessaries.


One who supplies or fits out.


Supplying; fitting; garnishing.


A supply of furniture or things necessary.

FUR'NI-TURE, n. [Fr. fourniture; It. fornimento; Arm. fournimand.]

  1. Goods, vessels, utensils and other appendages necessary or convenient for house-keeping; whatever is added to the interior of a house or apartment, for use or convenience.
  2. Appendages; that which is added for use or ornament; as, the earth with all its furniture.
  3. Equipage; ornaments; decorations; in a very general sense.
  4. In music, an organ with mixed notes, sometimes called mixture.

FU'ROR, n. [L.]

Fury; rage.

FUR'RED, pp. [See Fur.]

Lined or ornamented with fur; thickened by the addition of a board.


A dealer in furs; one who makes or sells muffs, tippets, &c.


Furs in general. Tooke.

FUR'RING, ppr.

Lining or ornamenting with fur; lining with a board.

FUR'ROW, n. [Sax. fur or furh; G. furche; Dan. furre; Sw. fora. Qu. Gr. φαροω, to plow.]

  1. A trench in the earth made by a plow.
  2. A long narrow trench or channel in wood or metal; a groove.
  3. A hollow made by wrinkles in the face.

FUR'ROW, v.t. [Sax. fyrian.]

  1. To cut a furrow; to make furrows in; to plow.
  2. To make long narrow channels or grooves in.
  3. To cut; to make channels in; to plow; as, to furrow the deep.
  4. To make hollows in by wrinkles. Sorrow furrows the brow.


Having a wrinkled or furrowed face. B. Jonson.


A weed growing on plowed land. Shak.

FUR'RY, a. [from fur.]

  1. Covered with fur; dressed in fur.
  2. Consisting of fur or skins; as, furry spoils. Dryden.

FUR'THER, a. [Sax. further, comparative of forth, from feor, far; faran, to go, to advance.]

  1. More or most distant; as, the further end of the field.
  2. Additional. We have a further reason for this opinion. We have nothing further to suggest. What further need have we of witnesses? Matth. xxvi.

FUR'THER, adv.

To a greater distance. He went further.