Dictionary: IM-MOR'TAL-IZE – IM-MUTE'

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To become immortal. [Not in use.] Pope.

IM-MOR'TAL-IZE, v.t. [Fr. immortaliser; Sp. immortalizar.]

  1. To render immortal; to make perpetual; to cause to live or exist while the world shall endure. The Iliad has immortalized the name of Homer. Alexander had no Homer to immortalize his guilty name. T. Dawes.
  2. To exempt from oblivion; to make perpetual.


Rendered immortal or perpetual.


Making immortal or perpetual.


With endless existence; with exemption from death.

IM-MOR-TI-FI-CA'TION, n. [in and mortification.]

Want of subjection of the passions. Bp. Taylor.


Steadfastness that can not be moved or shaken.

IM-MOV'A-BLE, a. [in and movable.]

  1. That can not be moved from its place; as, an immovable foundation.
  2. Not to be moved from a purpose; steadfast; fixed; that can not be induced to change or alter; as, a man who remains immovable.
  3. That can not be altered or shaken; unalterable; unchangeable; as, an immovable purpose or resolution.
  4. That can not be affected or moved; not impressible; not susceptible of compassion or tender feelings; unfeeling. Dryden.
  5. Fixed; not liable to be removed; permanent in place; as, immovable estate. Blackstone. Ayliffe.
  6. Not to be shaken or agitated.


The quality of being immovable.

IM-MOV'A-BLY, adv.

In a manner not to be moved from its place or purpose; or in a manner not to be shaken; unalterably; unchangeably. Immovably firm to their duty; immovably fixed or established.

IM-MUND', a. [L. immundus.]



Uncleanness. Mountagu.

IM-MUN'I-TY, n. [Fr. immunité; immunitas, from immunis, free, exempt; in and munus, charge, office, duty.]

  1. Freedom or exemption from obligation. To be exempted from observing the rites or duties of the church, is an immunity.
  2. Exemption from any charge, duty, office, tax or imposition; a particular privilege; as, the immunities of the free cities of Germany; the immunities of the clergy.
  3. Freedom; as, an immunity from error. Dryden.

IM-MURE', n.

A wall. [Not used.]. Shak.

IM-MURE', v.t. [Norm. emmurrer, to wall in; Sw. inmura, L. in and murus, a wall.]

  1. To inclose within walls; to shut up; to confine; as, to immure nuns in cloisters. The student immures himself voluntarily.
  2. To wall; to surround with walls. Lysimachus immured it with a wall. [Not usual.] Sandys.
  3. To imprison. Denham.

IM-MUR'ED, pp.

Confined within walls.

IM-MUR'ING, ppr.

Confining within walls.

IM-MU'SIC-AL, a. [in and musical.]

Not musical; inharmonious; not accordant; harsh. Bacon. Brown.

IM-MU-TA-BIL'I-TY, n. [Fr. immutabilité; L. immutabilitas; in and mutabilis, mutable, from muto, to change.]

Unchangeableness; the quality that renders change or alteration impossible; invariableness. Immutability is an attribute of God.

IM-MU'TA-BLE, a. [L. immutabilis; in and mutabilis.]

Unchangeable; invariable; unalterable; not capable or susceptible of change. That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation. Heb. vi.


Unchangeableness; immutability.

IM-MU'TA-BLY, adv.

Unchangeably; unalterably; invariably; in a manner that admits of no change. Boyle.

IM-MU'TATE, a. [L. immutatus.]

Unchanged. Lee.

IM-MU-TA'TION, n. [L. immutatio.]

Change; alteration. More.

IM-MUTE', v.t.

To change or alter. Salkeld.