Dictionary: OR-THOL'O-GY – OS'CI-TATE

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OR-THOL'O-GY, n. [Gr. ορθος, right, and λογος, discourse.]

The right description of things. Fotherby.

OR-THOM'E-TRY, n. [Gr. ορθος, right, and μετρον, measure.]

The art or practice of constructing verse correctly; the laws of correct versification. S. Jones

OR-THOP'NY, n. [Gr. ορθοπνοια; ορθος, right, erect, and πνοη, breath; πνεω, to breathe.]

  1. A disease in which respiration can be performed only in an erect posture. Harvey.
  2. Any difficulty of breathing. Parr.

OR'THO-STADE, n. [Gr. ορθος, straight, and ισταμαι, to stand.]

In ancient costume, a long and ample tunic, with straight or upright folds. Elmes.

OR-THOT'RO-POUS, a. [Gr. ορθος and τρεπω.]

In botany, erect on the embryo of a plant. Lindley.

OR-THOT'Y-POUS, a. [Gr. ορθος, straight, and τυπος, form.]

In mineralogy, having a perpendicular cleavage. Shepard.

OR'TIVE, a. [L. ortivus, from ortus, orior, to rise.]

Rising or eastern. The ortive amplitude of a planet is an arc of the horizon intercepted between the point where a star rises, and the east point of the horizon, the point where the horizon and equator intersect. Encyc.

OR'TO-LAN, n. [It. ortolano, a gardener, an ortolan, L. hortulanus, from hortus, a garden.]

A bird of the genus Emberiza, about the size of the lark, with black wings. It is found in France and Italy, feeds on panic grass, and is delicious food. Encyc.

ORTS, n.

Fragments; pieces; refuse.

OR'VAL, n. [Fr. orvale.]

The herb clary. Dict.

OR-VI-E'TAN, n. [It. orvietano, so named from a mountain bank at Orvieto.]

An antidote or counter poison. [Not used.] Bailey.


Pertaining to oryctognosy. Kirwan.

O-RYC-TOG'NO-SY, n. [Gr. ορυκτος, fossil, and γνωσις, knowledge.]

That branch of mineralogy which has for its object the classification of minerals, according to well ascertained characters, and under appropriate denominations. Cyc. Oryctognosy consists in the description of minerals, the determination of their nomenclature, and the systematic arrangement of their different species. It coincides nearly with mineralogy, in its modern acceptation. Cleaveland.

O-RYC-TOG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. ορυκτος, fossil; and γραφω, to describe.]

That part of natural history in which fossils are described. Cyc.

O-RYC-TOL'OGY, n. [Gr. ορυκτος, fossil, and λογος, discourse.]

That part of physics which treats of fossils. Cyc.

OS, n. [L.]

A bone. [Technical.]

OS'CHE-O-CELE, n. [Gr. οσχη, the scrotum, and κηλη, a tumor.]

Any tumor of the scrotum; a scrotal hernia. Cyc. Coxe.

OS'CIL-LATE, v.i. [L. oscillo, from ant. cillo, Gr. κελλω, to move.]

To swing; to move backward and forward; to vibrate. Chambers.

OS-CIL-LA'TION, n. [L. oscillatio.]

Vibration; a moving backward and forward, or swinging like a pendulum.


In natural history, the oscillators are minute animals or plants which have oscillatory motions. It seems not to be agreed whether they belong to the animal or vegetable kingdom.


Moving backward and forward like a pendulum; swinging; as, an oscillatory motion. Arbuthnot.

OS'CI-TAN-CY, n. [L. oscito, to yawn, from os, the mouth.]

  1. The act of gaping or yawning.
  2. Unusual sleepiness; drowsiness; dullness. It might proceed from the oscitancy of transcribers. Addison.


  1. Yawning; gaping.
  2. Sleepy; drowsy; dull; sluggish. Decay of Piety.


Carelessly. More.

OS'CI-TATE, v. [L. oscito.]

To yawn; to gape with sleepiness.