Definition for AG'AR-IC

AG'AR-IC, n. [Gr. αγαρικον. Qu. from Agaria, in Sarmatia. Dioscorides.]

In Botany, a genus of funguses, containing numerous species, growing on trees, or springing from the earth; of the latter sort, some are valued as articles of food; others are poisonous. The name was originally given to a fungus growing on the larch. This species is now frequent in the shops, and distinguished by the name of female agaric. It is used in dyeing, but is little esteemed in medicine. – Theoph. Macquer. Quincy. The Agaric of the oak is called touch-wood, from its readiness to take fire. Boletus igniarius. – Linn. Agaric mineral, a calcarious earth, or carbonate of lime, resembling a fungus in color and texture; found in fissures of rocks, and on the roofs of caverns. It is sometimes used as an astringent in fluxes, and a styptic in hemorrhages. It occurs in a loose semi-indurated form, white or whitish red, or yellow, light and friable. Kirwan mentions three varieties.

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