Definition for Gold (-s)

gold (-s), n. [OE.]

  1. Treasure; [fig.] sunlight; yellow radiance; hue of shining color.
  2. Prize; hoard; reward; cache of precious metal.
  3. Ingot; bullion; valuable yellow ore; most precious metal; heavy malleable metallic element that does not easily oxidize.
  4. Brilliance; brightness; [fig.] genius; power; strength; beauty; [metaphor] eloquence; poetry; pure intelligence; language fitly spoken (see Proverbs 25:11).
  5. Money; wealth; riches.
  6. Light; glory; spiritual fire.
  7. Value; great worth; [fig.] amity; kindness; cordiality; personal warmth; thoughtful expression.
  8. Pure element of great worth that alchemists tried to fabricate; [fig.] magic; true love; pure affection; romantic attraction.
  9. Yellow covering; saffron material; [fig.] pollen.
  10. Ring; wedding band; token made of fine metal; [fig.] royalty; Deity; godliness; holiness; sanctity.
  11. Ore; nugget; [fig.] truth; verity; the real thing; the highest standard; not “fool's gold”; the more valuable substance.

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