Lexicon: moulder – mouse

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moulder (-ed), v. [Fr. mould.]

Turn to dust; decay naturally.

mouldering, adj. [see moulder, v.]

  1. Moving in a lifeless manner.
  2. Crumbling; decaying; turning to dust.
  3. Diminishing in number.

mound, n. [origin uncertain.]

Artificial elevation; heaped earth on a grave.

mount (-s), v. [Anglo Norman and OFr < L. mont-, mōns.]

  1. Ride; rise up to; move upward towards.
  2. Ascend; climb up; go up in rank; move to a higher level.

mountain, adj. [see mountain, n.]

Hillside; alpine; growing at a high elevation.

mountain (-s), n. [OFr montaigne < L.]

  1. Skyline; high place; rise of land; elevation on the horizon; [fig.] the earth; the footstool of God (see Matthew 5:35).
  2. Highland; hill country; range of rocky elevated territory.
  3. Obstacle; impediment; very large object; impressive entity that cannot be ignored.
  4. Giant; titan; colossus; behemoth; [fig.] tidal wave; storm surge.
  5. Volcano; large cinder cone of igneous rock.
  6. Echo; reverberation; ringing of sound through canyons; sound reflection from the walls of high places; [allusion] Mt. Holyoke and Mt. Tom in western Massachusetts (see The Bay-Path by J. G. Holland, 1857).
  7. Peak; massive hill; high rocky geologic formation; natural elevation of the earth's surface.

mourn (-ed), v. [OHG mornen, to sorrow.]

  1. Grieve; bewail; lament.
  2. Exhibit grief; wear the garments of mourning.
  3. Painfully long for.

mourner (-s), n. [see mourn, v.]

  1. Person who is grieving; one who mourns a loss.
  2. One that follows a funeral in the habit of mourning.

mournful, adj. [see mourn, v.]

Expressing sorrow or sadness; dismal.

mouse, n. [OHG mus.]

  1. Rodent; small animal.
  2. Tiny annoyance; guilt.