a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



  1. Driven to the heart; infixed in the mind.
  2. Shocked with fear; dismayed. Milton.


Rankling in the heart. Spenser.


Thrilling the heart.


Affecting the heart.

HEART'-WHOLE, a. [See Whole.]

  1. Not affected with love; not in love, or not deeply affected.
  2. Having unbroken spirits, or good courage.


or heart of a plant, the inner part of the stem or the dead and fully formed central layers. Lindley.


Wounded with love or grief; be deeply affected with some passion. Pope.


Piercing with grief. Rowe.


  1. Having the heart engaged in any thing; sincere; warm; zealous; as, to be hearty in support of government.
  2. Proceeding from the heart; sincere; warm; as, a hearty welcome.
  3. Being full of health; sound; strong; healthy; as, a hearty man.
  4. Strong; durable; as, hearty timber. [Not used in America.] Wotton.
  5. Having a keen appetite; eating much; as, a hearty eater.
  6. Strong; nourishing; as, hearty food.


Good for the heart. [Obs.] Spenser.

HEAT, n. [Sag. heat, hæt; D. hitte; G. hitze; Sw. hetta; D. hede; L. æstus, for hæstus, or cæstus. See the Verb.]

  1. Heat, as a cause of sensation, that is, the matter of heat, is considered to be a subtil fluid, contained in a greater or less degree in all bodies. In modern chimistry it is called caloric. It expands all bodies in different proportions, and is the cause of fluidity and evaporation. A certain degree of it is also essential to animal and vegetable life. Heat is latent, when so combined with other matter as not to be perceptible. It is sensible, when it is evolved and perceptible. Lavoisier. Encyc.
  2. Heat, as a sensation, is the effect produced on the sentient organs of animals, by the passage of caloric, disengaged from surrounding bodies, to the organs. When we touch or approach a hot body, the caloric or heat passes from that body to our organs of feeling, and gives the sensation of heat. On the contrary, when we touch a cold body, the caloric passes from the hand to that body, and causes a sensation of cold. Lavoisier. Note. This theory of heat seems not to be fully settled.
  3. Hot air; hot weather; as, the heat of the tropical climates.
  4. Any accumulation or concentration of the matter of heat or caloric; as, the heat of the body; the heat of a furnace; a red heat; a white heat; a welding heat.
  5. The state of being once heated or hot. Give the iron another heat.
  6. A violent action unintermitted; a single effort. Many causes are required for refreshment between the heats. Dryden.
  7. A single effort in running; a course at a race. Hector won at the first heat.
  8. Redness of the face; flush. Addison.
  9. Animal excitement; violent action or agitation of the system. The body is all in a heat.
  10. Utmost violence; rage; vehemence; as, the heat of battle.
  11. Violence; ardor; as, the heat of party.
  12. Agitation of mind; inflammation or excitement; exasperation; as, the heat of passion.
  13. Ardor; fervency; animation in thought or discourse. With all the strength and heat of eloquence. Addison.
  14. Fermentation.

HEAT, v.i.

  1. To grow warm or hot by fermentation, or extrication of latent heat. Green hay heats in a mow, and green corn in a bin.
  2. To grow warm or hot. The iron or the water heats slowly.

HEAT, v.i. [for Heated, is in popular use, and pronounced het; but it is not elegant.]

HEAT, v.t. [Sax. hatan, to call, to order, command or promise; gehatan, to call, to promise, to grow warm; hætan, to heat, to command, to call; gehætan, to promise; hæse, order, command; behæs, a vow; behætan, to vow; onhætan, to heat, to inflame; hatian, to heat, to be hot, to boil, to hate; hæt, heat, heat; hat, hot; hate, hatred, hate; L. odi, osus, for hodi, hosus; Goth. hatyan, to hate; haitan, gahaitan, to call, to command, to vow or promise; G. heiss, hot; heissen, to call; heitzen, to heat; hitze, heat, ardor, vehemence; geheiss, command; verheissen, to promise; hass, hate; hassen, to hate; D. heet, hot, eager, hasty; hitte, heat; heeten, to heat, to name or call, to be called, to command; haat, hate; haaten, to hate; verhitten, to inflame; Sw. het, hot; hetta, heat, passion; hetta, to be hot, to glow; heta, to be called or named; hat, hate, hatred; hata, to hate; Dan. heed, hot; hede, heat, ardor; heder, to heat, to be called or named; had, hate; hader, to hate. With these words coincides the L. æstus, for hæstus, heat, tide, Gr. αιθω, to burn, and the English haste and hoist are probably of the same family. The primary and literal sense of all these words, is to stir, to rouse, to raise, to agitate, from the action of driving, urging, stimulating, whence Sw. hetsa, Dan. hedser, to excite, to set on dogs. See Class Gd, No. 39, and others. It may be further added, that in W. câs is hatred, a castle, from the sense of separating; casau, to hate; and if this is of the same family, it unites castle with the foregoing words. In these words we see the sense of repulsion.]

  1. To make hot; to communicate heat to, or cause to be hot; as, to heat an oven or a furnace; to heat iron.
  2. To make feverish; as, to heat the blood.
  3. To warm with passion or desire; to excite; to rouse into action. A noble emulation heats your breast. Dryden.
  4. To agitate the blood and spirits with action; to excite animal action. Dryden.

HEAT'ED, pp.

Made hot; inflamed; exasperated.


  1. He or that which heats.
  2. A triangular mass of iron, which is heated and put into a box-iron to heat it and keep it hot, for ironing or smoothing clothes. [This utensil is going into disuse.]

HEATH, n. [Sax. hæth; D. and G. heide; Dan. hede; Sw. hed; Scot. haddyr; W. eiziar, connected with eiziaw, to take to or possess; the clinging plant.]

  1. A plant of the genus Erica, of many species. It is a shrub which is used in Great Britain for brooms, thatch, beds for the poor, and for heating ovens. Its leaves are small and continue green all the year. It is called also ling. Miller. Encyc.
  2. A place overgrown with heath. Temple.
  3. A place overgrown with shrubs of any kind. Bacon.


Clothed or crowned with heath. [Wordsworth. 1841.]


A large fowl which frequents heaths, a species of grouse. Carew.


Gentile; pagan; as, a heathen author. Addison.

HEATH'-EN, n. [Sax. hæthen; G. heide, heath, and a heathen or pagan; D. heiden; Dan. and Sw. hedning; Gr. αθνος; from heath, that is, one who lives in the country or woods, as pagan from pagus, a village.]

  1. A pagan; a Gentile; one who worships idols, or is unacquainted with the true God. In the Scriptures, the word seems to comprehend all nations except the Jews or Israelites, as they were all strangers to the true religion, and all addicted to idolatry. The word may now be applied perhaps to all nations, except to Christians and Mohammedans. Heathen, without the plural termination, is used plurally or collectively, for Gentiles or heathen nations. Ask of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance. Ps. ii. Heathen, however, has a plural, expressing two or more individuals. If men have reason to be heathens in Japan. Locke. The precepts and examples of the ancient heathens. Addison.
  2. A rude, illiterate, barbarous person.


Region of heathens. Irving.


  1. Belonging to Gentiles or pagans; as, heathenish rites.
  2. Rude; illiterate; wild; uncivilized.
  3. Barbarous; savage; cruel; rapacious. Spenser.


After the manner of heathens.


The state of being heathen or like heathens.