Dictionary: HAL-LU'CIN-A-TO-RY – HALV'ED

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Partaking of hallucination.

HALM, n. [haum; Sax. healm; L. culmus.]

Straw. [See Hawn.]

HA'LO, n. [Ar. هَالٌ. The verb signifies to frighten, and to adorn with necklaces.]

A circle appearing round the body of the sun, moon, or stars, called also, corona, or crown. Halos are sometimes white and sometimes colored. Sometimes one only appears, and sometimes several concentric circles appear at the same time. Encyc.

HA'LO-GENE, n. [Gr. αλς, salt, and γενναω, to generate.]

A substance which forms a compound of a saline nature, by union with a metal, as bromine, iodine, &c. The salt is called haloid. Ure.

HA-LOID', a. [Gr. αλς, salt, and ειδος, form.]

In mineralogy, having the form of salt.


HALSE, n. [Sax. hals.]

The neck or throat. [Obs.] Chaucer.

HALSE, v.i. [hals.]

To embrace about the neck; to adjure; to greet. [Obs.]


Sounding harshly in the throat or tongue. [Obs.] Carew.

HALS'ER, n. [hawz'er. Sax. hals, G. D. Dan. and Sw. hals, the neck; and qu. Sax. sæl, a rope or strap.]

A large rope of a size between the cable and the tow-line. [See Hawser.]

HALT, a. [Sax. healt.]

Lame; that is, holding or stopping in walking. Bring hither the poor, the maimed, the halt, and the blind. Luke xiv.

HALT, n.

  1. A stopping; a stop in marching. The troops made a halt at the bridge.
  2. The act of limping.

HALT, v.i. [Sax. healt, halt, lame; healtian, to limp; G. halt, a hold, stop, halt; halten, to hold; Sw. halt, halta; Dan. halt, halter; from the root of hold.]

  1. To stop in walking; to hold. In military affairs, the true sense is retained, to stop in a march. The army halted at noon.
  2. To limp; that is, to stop with lameness.
  3. To hesitate; to stand in doubt whether to proceed, or what to do. How long halt ye between two opinions? 1 Kings xviii.
  4. To fail; to falter; as, a halting sonnet. Shak.

HALT, v.t.

To stop; to cause to cease marching; a military term. The general halted his troops for refreshment. Washington.

HALT'ED, pp.


HALT'ER, n.1

One who halts or limps.

HALT'ER, n.2 [G. halter, a holder. See Halt.]

  1. A rope or strap and head-stall for leading or confining a horse.
  2. A rope for hanging malefactors.
  3. A strong cord or string.

HALT'ER, v.t.

  1. To put a halter on; as, to halter a horse.
  2. To catch and hold, or to bind with a rope or cord.


Caught or bound with u rope.


Putting a halter on; catching; binding.


The act of stopping, or faltering.

HALT'ING, ppr.

Stopping; limping.


With limping; slowly.

HALVE, v.t. [h'av. from half.]

To divide into two equal parts; as, to halve an apple.


In botany, hemispherical; covering one side; placed on one side.