Dictionary: SEAN – SEARC-ER

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SEAN, a.

A net. [See Seine.]

SEA-NA-VEL-WORT, n. [sea, navel and wort.]

A plant growing in Syria, which is said to effect great cures of diseases. [L. androsace.] – Johnson.

SEA-NEE-DLE, n. [sea and needle.]

A name of the gar or garfish, of the genus Esox. This fish has a slender body, with long pointed jaws and a forked tail. Its back is of a fine green color, and when in the water its colors are extremely beautiful.

SEA-NET-TLE, n. [sea and nettle.]

Another name of the animal flower, or sea-anemony. – Encyc.

SEA-NURS-ED, a. [sea and nursed.]

Nursed by the sea. – J. Barlow.

SEA-NYMPH, n. [sea and nymph.]

A nymph or goddess of the sea. – Broome.

SEA-ON-ION, n. [sea and onion.]

A plant. Ainsworth.

SEA-OOZE, n. [sea and ooze.]

The soft mud on or near the sea-shore. – Mortimer.

SEA-OT-TER, n. [sea and otter.]

A species of otter that has hind feet like those of a seal. It feeds on shell fish. Dict. Nat. Hist.

SEA-OWL, n. [sea and owl.]

Another name of the lumpfish. – Dict. Nat. Hist.


The star-fish. – Johnson.

SEA-PAN-THER, n. [sea and panther.]

A fish like a lamprey. – Johnson.

SEA-PHEAS-ANT, n. [sea and pheasant.]

The pin-tailed duck. – Dict. Nat. Hist.

SEA-PIE, n. [sea and pie.]

A dish of food consisting of paste and meat boiled together; so named because common at sea.

SEA-PIE, or SEA-PYE, n. [sea and pie, pica.]

A fowl of the genus Hæmatopus, and grallic order; called also the oyster-catcher, from its thrusting its beak into oysters when open, and taking out the animal.

SEA-PIECE, n. [sea and piece.]

A picture representing a scene at sea. – Addison.

SEA-PLANT, n. [sea and plant.]

A plant that grows in salt water, as the fucus, &c.

SEA-POOL, n. [sea and pool.]

A lake of salt water. – Spenser.

SEA-PORT, n. [sea and port.]

  1. A harbor near the sea, formed by an arm of the sea or by a bay.
  2. A city or town situated on a harbor, on or near the sea. We call a town a seaport, instead of a seaport town.

SEA-POY, or SE-POY, n. [Pers. sipahi; Hindor, sepahi.]

A native of India, in the military service of an European power, and disciplined after the European manner.

SEAR, a.

Dry; withered. – Milton. Ray.

SEAR, v.t. [Sax. searan; Gr. αζηρεω, to dry; ξηραινω, to dry, to parch; ξηρος, dry; σειρ, the sun; σειρεω, to dry. Qu. L. torreo, in a different dialect.]

  1. To burn to dryness and hardness the surface of any thing; to cauterize; to expose to a degree of heat that changes the color of the surface, or makes it hard; as, to scar the skin or flesh. I'm sear'd with burning steel. Rowe. Sear is allied to scorch in signification; but it is applied primarily to animal flesh, and has special reference to the effect of heat in making the surface hard. Scorch is applied to flesh, cloth or any other substance, and has no reference to the effect of hardness.
  2. To wither; to dry. – Shak.
  3. To make callous or insensible. Having their conscience seared with a hot iron. – 1 Tim. i. To sear up, to close by searing or cauterizing; to stop. Cherish veins of good humor, and sear up those of ill. – Temple.

SEARCE, n. [sers.]

A sieve; a bolter. [Little used.]

SEARCE, v.t. [sers.]

To sift; to bolt; to separate the fine part of meal from the coarse. [Little used.] – Mortimer.

SEARC-ER, n. [sers'er.]

One that sifts or bolts. [Liltleiused.]