Dictionary: U-RA'NI-A – URG'ER

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U-RA'NI-A, n.

In mythology, the muse of astronomy.


An ore or phosphate of uranium, called also uran-glimmer, and uran-mica. Streak paler than the color; color emerald-green, grass-green, leek-green, golden-yellow and lemon-yellow; transparent or subtranslucent. It contains phosphoric acid, oxyd of uranium, oxyd of copper, lime, and silicic acid. It occurs crystalized in rectangular prisms, in imperfect octahedrons, &c. Its structure is lamellar, and it yields to the knife. Cyc. Phillips. Uranite is found in primitive earths, in three states, crystalized, compact, and pulverulent. Lavoisier. Dict. Nat. Hist.


Pertaining to uranite, or resembling it.

U-RA'NI-UM, n. [Gr. ουρανος, heaven, or a planet so called.]

A metal discovered in 1789 by Klaproth, in the mineral called pechblend. It is occasaonally found native in uran-ocher and uran-mica; but more generally it is obtained from pechblend, in which it exists with iron, copper, lead, and sometimes with arsenic, cobalt and zink. Uranium is of a reddish-brown color, has a metallic luster, and is commonly obtained in a crystalline form. It suffers no change from exposure to the air at common temperatures, but when heated in open vessels it absorbs, oxygen and is converted into a protoxyd. Henry.


Pechblend, an ore of uranium, containing the metal in an oxydized state. It is brown, grayish, black, and brownish black; occurring massive, globular reniform, disseminated, and pulverulent. Cyc. Ure. Phillips.

U-RAN-OL'O-GY, n. [Gr. ουρανος, heaven, and λογος, discourse.]

A discourse or treatise on the heavens. Mitchill.

U-RAN-OS'CO-PY, n. [Gr. ουρανος, heaven, and σκοπεω, to view.]

Contemplation of the heavenly bodies.

U'RA-NUS, n. [L.]

The planet formerly called Herschel, but which is now called Uranus.

UR'BAN, or UR'BANE, a. [L. urbanus, from urbs, a city.]

Civil; courteous in manners; polite.

UR-BAN'I-TY, n. [Fr. urbanité; L. urbanitas, from urbs, a city.]

  1. That civility or courtesy of manners which is acquired by associating with well bred people; politeness; polished manners. Dryden. Brown.
  2. Facetiousness. L'Estrange.

UR'BAN-IZE, v.t.

To render civil and courteous; to polish. Howell.

UR'CE-O-LATE, a. [L. urceolus, urceus, a pitcher.]

In botany, shaped like a pitcher; swelling out like a pitcher, as respects the body, and contracted at the orifice; as a calyx or coral. Martyn. Lee.

UR'CHIN, n. [Arm. heureuchin; L. erinaceus.]

  1. A name given to the hedgehog.
  2. A name of slight anger given to a child; as, the little urchin cried.

URE, n.

Use; practice. [Obsolete, but retained in inure.]

U'RE-A, n.

An animal substance obtained from urine. It is crystalline, transparent, and colorless, and of a pearly luster. It has the form of a tetrahedral prism. It is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, and is a salifiable base.

U-RE'TER, n. [Gr. ουρητηρ, from ουρεω. See Urine.]

The excretory duct of the kidney, a tube conveying the urine from the kidney to the bladder. There are two ureters, one on each side. Coxe. Quincy.

U-RE'THRA, n. [Gr. ουρηθρα, from ουρεω. See Urine.]

The canal by which the urine is conducted from the bladder and discharged. Coxe.


Pertaining to the urethra.

URGE, v.i.

To press forward; as, he strives to urge upward.

URGE, v.t. [L. urgeo. This belongs probably to the family of Gr. ειργω, and L. arceo.]

  1. To press; to push; to drive; to impel; to apply force to, in almost any manner. And great Achilles urge the Trojan fate. Dryden.
  2. To press the mind or will; to press by motives, arguments, persuasion or importunity. My brother / Did urge me in his act. Shak.
  3. To provoke; to exasperate. Urge not my father's anger. Shak.
  4. To follow close; to impel. Heir urges heir, like wave impelling wave. Pope.
  5. To labor vehemently; to press with eagerness. Through the thick deserts headlong urg'd his flight. Pope.
  6. To press; as, to urge an argument; to urge a petition; to urge the necessity of a case.
  7. To importune; to solicit earnestly. He urged his son to withdraw.
  8. To apply forcibly; as, to urge an ore with intense heat.

URG'ED, pp.

Pressed; impelled; importuned.


  1. Pressure; importunity; earnest solicitation; as, the urgency of a request.
  2. Pressure of necessity; as, the urgency of want or distress; the urgency of the occasion.


  1. Pressing with importunity. Exod. xii.
  2. Pressing with necessity; violent; vehement; as, an urgent case or occasion.

URG'ENT-LY, adv.

With pressing importunity; violently; vehemently; forcibly.

URG'ER, n.

One who urges; one who importunes.