Dictionary: UL'CER-A-TING – UL-TIM'I-TY

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Turning to an ulcer; generating ulcers.

UL-CER-A'TION, n. [Fr. from L. ulceratio.]

  1. The process of forming into an ulcer; or the process of becoming ulcerous.
  2. An ulcer; a morbid sore that discharges pus or other fluid. Arbuthnot.


Having become an ulcer. Temple.


  1. Having the nature or character of an ulcer; discharging purulent or other matter. Homy.
  2. Affected with an ulcer or with ulcers.


In an ulcerous manner.


The state of being ulcerous.

UL'CUS-LE, or UL-CUS'CULE, n. [L. ulcusculum, from ulcus.]

A little ulcer.

U-LE'MA, n.

In Turkey, a corporation composed of the hierarchy, viz. the imans, the muftis, and the cadis.


In botany, a tree whose milky juice yields that kind of elastic gum, called by the Mexicans ule. Cyc.

U-LIG'IN-OUS, a. [L. uliginosus, from uligo, ooziness.]

Muddy; oozy; slimy. Woodward.


In commerce, the wantage of casks of liquor, or what a cask wants of being full. Cyc.

UL'MIC-AC'ID, n. [UL'MIC AC'ID. L. ulmus, an elm.]

A vegetable acid, exsuding spontaneously from the elm, the chestnut, the oak, and various other trees. It is a dark brown, and nearly black solid, insipid, inodorous, and very sparingly soluble in water and alcohol. It constitutes the essential ingredient of peat, etc. It appears to constitute what is usually called vegetable manure. Th. Thomson. Turner.

UL'MIN, n.

An exploded name of ulmic acid, applied before its salifying powers had been discovered.

UL'NA, n. [L.]

The larger of the two bones of the fore-arm, which forms the point of the elbow.


UL'NAR, a. [L. ulna.]

Pertaining to the ulna or cubit; as, the ulnae nerve. Coxe.

U-LO-DEN'DRON, n. [Gr. ουλος and δενδρον.]

A genus of trees now extinct, and found only in a fossil state.

UL-TE'RI-OR, a. [L. comparative.]

  1. Further; as, ulterior demands; ulterior propositions. What ulterior measures will be adopted is uncertain. Smollet.
  2. In geography, being or situated beyond or on the further side of any line or boundary; opposed to citerior, or hither.

ULTIMA-RATIO, [Ultima ratio; L.]

The last reason or argument.

ULTIMA-RATIO-REGUM, [Ultima ratio regum; L.]

The last reason of kings, is war, force of arms.

UL'TI-MATE, a. [L. ultimus, furthest.]

  1. Furthest; most remote; extreme. We have not yet arrived at the ultimate point of progression.
  2. Final; being that to which all the rest is directed, as to the main object. The ultimate end of our actions should be the glory of God, or the display of his exalted excellence. The ultimate end and aim of men is to be happy, and to attain to this end, we must yield that obedience which will honor the law and character of God.
  3. Last in a train of consequences; intended in the last resort. Many actions apt to procure fame, are not conducive to this our ultimate happiness. Addison.
  4. Last; terminating; being at the furthest point. Darwin.
  5. The last into which a substance can be resolved; constituent. Darwin. Ultimate analysis, in chimistry, is the resolution of a substance into its absolute elements; opposed to the proximate analysis. Ultimate ratio; the ratio of evanescent quantities.


Finally; at lust; in the end or last consequence. Afflictions often tend to correct immoral habits, and ultimately prove blessings.

ULTIMA-THULE, n. [Ultima thule.]

The utmost stretch or boundary. [See Thule.]

UL-TI-MA'TUM, n. [L.]

  1. In diplomacy, the final propositions, conditions or terms offered as the basis of a treaty; the most favorable terms that a negotiator can offer, and the rejection of which usually puts an end to negotiation. It is sometimes used in the plural, ultimata.
  2. Any final proposition or condition.


The last stage or consequence. [Little used.] Bacon.