Dictionary: U-NI'TION – UN-JEAL'OUS

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Junction; act of uniting. [Not in use.] Wiseman.


Having the power of uniting. [Not used.] Norris.

U-NIT'-JAR, n.

A small insulated Leyden jar, placed between the electrical machine and a larger jar or battery, so as to announce, by its repeated discharges, the number of them which have passed into the larger jar. – Brande.

U'NI-TY, n. [L. unitas.]

  1. The state of being one; oneness. Unity may consist of a simple substance or existing being, as the soul; but usually it consists in a close junction of particles or parts, constituting a body detached from other bodies. Unity is a thing undivided itself, but separate from every other thing. School Philosophy.
  2. Concord; conjunction; as, a unity of proofs. Shak.
  3. Agreement; uniformity; as, unity of doctrine; unity of worship in a church. Hooker.
  4. In Christian theology, oneness of sentiment, affection or behavior. How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity? Ps. cxxxiii.
  5. In mathematics, the abstract expression for any unit whatsoever. The number 1 is unity when it is not applied to any particular object; but a unit, when it is so applied. D. Olmsted.
  6. In poetry, the principle by which a uniform tenor of story and propriety of representation is preserved. In the drama there are three unities; the unity of action, that of time, and that of place. In the epic poem, the great and almost only unity is that of action.
  7. In music, such a combination of parts as to constitute a whole, or a kind of symmetry of style and character. Rousseau.
  8. In law, the properties of a joint estate are derived from its unity, which is fourfold; unity of interest, unity of title, unity of time, and unity of possession; in other words; joint-tenants have one and the same interest, accruing by one and the same conveyance, commencing at the same time, and held by one and the same undivided possession. Blackstone.
  9. In law, unity of possession, is a joint possession of two rights by several titles, as when a man has a lease of land upon a certain rent, and afterward buys the fee simple. This is a unity of possession, by which the lease is extinguished. Unity of faith, is an equal belief of the same truths of God, and possession of the grace of faith in like form and degree. Brown. Unity of spirit, is the oneness which subsists between Christ and his saints, by which the same spirit dwells in both, and both have the same disposition and aims; and it is the oneness of Christians among themselves, united under the same head, having the same spirit dwelling in them, and possessing the same graces, faith, love, hope, &c. Brown.

U'NI-VALVE, a. [L. unus, one, and valvæ.]

Having one valve only, as a shell or pericarp.


A shell having one valve only. The univalves form one of the three divisions into which shells are usually divided. Linnaeus.


Having one valve only; as, a univalvular pericarp or shell. Martyn. Cyc.

U-NI-VERS'AL, a. [L. universalis; unus and versor.]

  1. All; extending to or comprehending the whole number, quantity or space; as, universal ruin; universal good; universal benevolence. The universal cause, Acts not by partial, but by general laws. Pope.
  2. Total; whole. From harmony, from heav'nly harmony, This universal frame began. Dryden.
  3. Comprising all the particulars; as, universal kinds. Davies.
  4. In botany, a universal umbel, is a primary or general umbel; the first or largest set of rays in a compound umbel; opposed to partial. A universal invalucre is not unfrequently placed at the foot of a universal umbel. Martyn. Universal instrument, is one which measures all kinds of distances, lengths, &c.; as the pantometer or holometer. Cyc. Universal dial, is a dial by which the hour may be found by the sun in any part of the world, or under any elevation of the pole. Universal proposition. [See the Noun.] Cyc.

U-NI-VERS'AL, n. [See the Adjective.]

  1. In logic, a universal is complex or incomplex. A complex universal, is either a universal proposition, as “every whole is greater than its parts,” or whatever raises a manifold conception in the mind, as the definition of a reasonable animal. An incomplex universal, is what produces one conception only in the mind, and is a simple thing respecting many; as human nature, which relates to every individual in which it is found. Cyc.
  2. The whole; the general system of the universe. [Not in use.]


In theology, the doctrine or belief that all men will be saved or made happy in a future life.


One who holds the doctrine that all men will be saved.


The state of extending to the whole; as, the universality of a proposition; the universality of sin; the universality of the deluge. Woodward.


To make universal. Coleridge.


Rendered universal. More.


Rendering universal. Howe.


With extension to the whole; in a manner to comprehend all; without exception. Air is a fluid universally diffused. God's laws are universally binding on his creatures.


Universality. Note. Universal and its derivatives are used in common discourse for general. This kind of universality is by the schoolmen called moral, as admitting of some exceptions, in distinction from metaphysical, which precludes all exceptions.

U'NI-VERSE, n. [Fr. univers; L. universitas.]

The collective name of heaven and earth, and all that belongs to them; the whole system of created things; the το παν of the Greeks, and the mundus of the Latins.


An assemblage of colleges established in any place, with professors for instructing students in the sciences and other branches of learning, and where degrees are conferred. A university is properly a universal school, in which are taught all branches of learning, or the four faculties of theology, medicine, law, and the sciences and arts. Cyc.

U-NIV'O-CAL, a. [L. unus, one, and vox, word.]

  1. Having one meaning only. A univocal word is opposed to an equivocal, which has two or more significations. Watts.
  2. Having unison of sounds; as the octave in music and its replicates. Rousseau.
  3. Certain; regular; pursuing always one tenor. [Little used.] Brown.

U-NIV'O-CAL-LY, adv.

  1. In one term; in one sense. How is sin univocally distinguished into venial and mortal, if the venial be not sin? Hale.
  2. In one tenor. [Little used.] Ray.


Agreement of name and meaning. Cyc.


In music, univocal concords are the octave and its recurrences, above or below. Cyc.


Not discordant.

UN-JEAL'OUS, a. [unjel'lous.]

Not jealous or mistrusting.