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AN-TI-TRIN-I-TA'RIAN, n. [anti and trinitarian, which see.]

One who denies the trinity, or the existence of three persons in the Godhead. – Encyc.


A denial of the trinity.

AN-TIT'RO-PAL, a. [Gr. αντι and τροπος.]

Opposing tropes.

AN-TI-TRO'POUS, a. [Gr. αντι, and τρεπω, to turn.]

In botany, inverted, as the embryo of a plant. – Lindley.

AN'TI-TYPE, n. [Gr. αντιτυπον, of αντι, against, and τυπος, a type, or pattern.]

A figure corresponding to another figure; that of which the type is the pattern or representation. Thus the paschal lamb, in Scripture, is the type, of which Christ is the antitype. An antitype, then, is something which is formed according to a model, or pattern, and bearing strong features of resemblance to it. In the Greek liturgy, the sacramental bread and wine are called antitypes, that is, figures, similitudes; and the Greek fathers used the word in a like sense. – Encyc.


Pertaining to an antitype; explaining the type. Johnson.


By way of antitype.

AN-TI-VA-RI'O-LOUS, a. [anti and variolous, which see.]

Opposing the small pox. – Med. Rep.


Preventing the contagion of the small pox.

AN-TI-VE-NE'RE-AL, a. [anti and venereal, which see.]

Resisting venereal poison.

ANT'LER, n. [From the root of ante, before; Fr. andouiller. See Ante.]

A start or branch of a horn, especially of the horns of the cervine animals, as of the stag or moose. The branch next to the head is called the brow-antler, and the branch next above, the bes-antler. – Encyc.


Furnished with antlers. – Encyc.


Resembling the habits of ants.


Noting certain medicinal waters in Germany, at or near Tonstein. – Encyc.

AN-TO-NO-MA'SIA, or AN-TO-NOM'A-SY, n. [Gr. αντι, and ονομα, name.]

The use of the name of some office, dignity, profession, science, or trade, instead of the true name of the person; as, when his majesty is used for a king, lordship for a nobleman. Thus instead of Aristotle, we say, the philosopher; a grave man is called a Cato; an eminent orator, a Cicero; a wise man, a Solomon. In the latter examples, a proper name is used for an appellative; the application being supported by a resemblance in character. – Encyc.


One of a sect of rigid Lutherans, so denominated from their opposing the doctrines of Osiander. This sect deny that man is made just, but is only imputatively just, that is, pronounced to. – Encyc.

AN'VIL, n. [Sax. anfilt; ænfilt; D. aanbeeld; Old Eng. anvelt. The first syllable seems to be the preposition on, from the Belgic dialect aan. The last syllable is from the verb build; in Germ. bilden, to form or shape, and bild, an image or form, which in Dutch is beeld. To build is to shape, to form, and anvil, that is, on build, is that on which things are shaped. The Latin word incus, incudis, is formed by a like analogy from in and cudo, to hammer, or shape; and the same ideas are connected in the Celtic; W. eingion; Ir. inneon, anvil, and inneonam, to strike.]

An iron block with a smooth face, on which smiths hammer and shape their work. Figuratively, any thing on which blows are laid. To be on the anvil, is to be in a state of discussion, formation, or preparation; as, when a scheme or measure is forming, but not matured. This figure bears an analogy to that of discussion, a shaking or beating.

ANX-I'E-TY, n. [angzi'ety; L. anxietas, from anxius, solicitous; L. ango. See Anger.]

  1. Concern or solicitude respecting some event, future or uncertain, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it in a state of painful uneasiness. It expresses more than uneasiness or disturbance, and even more than trouble or solicitude. It usually springs from fear, or serious apprehension of evil, and involves a suspense respecting an event, and often a perplexity of mind, to know how to shape our conduct.
  2. In medical language, uneasiness; unceasing restlessness in sickness.

ANX'IOUS, a. [ank'shus.]

  1. Greatly concerned or solicitous, respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; applied to persons; as, to be anxious for the issue of a battle.
  2. Full of solicitude; unquiet; applied to things; as, anxious thoughts or labor.
  3. Very careful; solicitous; as, anxious to please; anxious to commit no mistake. It is followed by for or about, before the object.


In an anxious manner; solicitously; with painful uncertainty; carefully; unquietly.


The quality of being anxious; great solicitude. – Johnson.

AN'Y, a. [en'ny; Sax. anig, ænig; D. eenig; Ger. einig. This word is a compound of an, one, and ig, which, in the Teutonic dialects, is the ic of the Latins, mus-ic-us. Any is unic-us, one-like.]

  1. One indefinitely. Nor knoweth any man the Father, save the Son. Matth. xi. If a soul shall sin against any of the commandments. Lev. iv.
  2. Some; an indefinite number, plurally; for though the word is formed from One, it often refers to many. Are there any witnesses present? The sense seems to be a small, uncertain number.
  3. Some; an indefinite quantity; a small portion. Who will show us any good? – Ps. iv.
  4. It is often used as a substitute, the person or thing being understood. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any. Mark xi. If any lack wisdom, let him ask it of God. – James i. It is used in opposition to none. Have you any wheat to sell? I have none.

AN'Y-WISE, adv.

It is sometimes used adverbially, but the two words may be separated, and used with a preposition, in any wise.

A-O'NI-AN, a. [From Aonia, a part of Bœotia, in Greece.]

Pertaining to the muses, or to Aonia, in Bœotia. The Aonian fount was Aganippe, at the foot of Mount Helicon, not far from Thebes, and sacred to the muses. Hence the muses were called Aonides. Dryden's Virgil, Eclogue 10. 12. But in truth, Aonia itself is formed from the Celtic aon, a spring or fountain, [the fabled son of Neptune,] and this word gave name to Aonia. As the muses were fond of springs, the word was applied to the muses, and to mountains which were their favorite residence, as to Parnassus. Milton.

A'O-RIST, n. [Gr. αοριστος, indefinite, of α privative and ὀρος, limit.]

The name of certain tenses in the grammar of the Greek language, which express time indeterminate, that is, either past, present, or future.