Dictionary: HEAD'-DRESS – HEAD'-SEA

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HEAD'-DRESS, n. [hed'-dress.]

  1. The dress of the head; the covering or ornaments of a woman's head. Pope. Addison.
  2. The crest, or tuft of feathers on a fowl's head. Addison.

HEAD'ED, pp. [hed'ed.]

Led; directed; furnished with a head; having a top. This is used in composition, as clear-headed, long-headed, thick-headed, &c.

HEAD'ER, n. [hed'er.]

  1. One who heads nails or pins.
  2. One who leads a mob or party.
  3. The first brick in the angle of a wall. Moxon.

HEAD'FAST, n. [hed'fast.]

A rope at the head of a ship to fasten it to a wharf or other fixed object. Mar. Dict.

HEAD'FIRST, adv. [hed'furst.]

With the head foremost.

HEAD'GAR-GLE, n. [hed'gargle.]

A disease of cattle. Mortimer.

HEAD'GEAR, n. [hed'gear.]

The dress of a woman's head. Burton.

HEAD'I-LY, adv. [hed'ily.]

Rashly; hastily.

HEAD'I-NESS, n. [hed'iness. See Heady.]

  1. Rashness; precipitation; a disposition to rush forward without due deliberation or prudence. Spenser.
  2. Stubbornness; obstinacy.

HEAD'ING, n. [hed'ing.]

Timber for the heads of casks.

HEAD'LAND, n. [hed'land.]

  1. A cape; a promontory; a point of land projecting from the shore into the sea, or other expanse of water.
  2. A ridge or strip of unplowed land at the ends of furrows, or near a fence.

HEAD'LESS, a. [hed'less.]

  1. Having no head; beheaded; as, a headless body, neck or carcase. Dryden. Spenser.
  2. Destitute of a chief or leader. Ralegh.
  3. Destitute of understanding or prudence; rash; obstinate. Spenser.

HEAD'LONG, a. [hed'long.]

  1. Steep; precipitous. Milton.
  2. Rash; precipitate; as, headlong folly.

HEAD'LONG, adv. [hed'long.]

  1. With the head foremost; as, to fall headlong. Dryden.
  2. Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation. He hurries headlong to his fate. Dryden.
  3. Hastily; without delay or respit.

HEAD'MAN, n. [hed'man.]

A chief; a leader.


A disease in children, in which the sutures of the skull, usually the coronal, ride, that is, when their edges shoot over one another, and are so close-locked as to compress the brain; often occasioning convulsions and death. Encyc.

HEAD'MON-EY, n. [hed'munny.]

A capitation-tax. Milton.

HEAD'MOST, a. [hed'most.]

Most advanced; most forward; first in a line or order of progression; as, the headmost ship in a fleet.

HEAD'-PAN, n. [hed'-pan.]

The brain-pan. [Not in use.]

HEAD'PENCE, n. [hed'pence.]

A poll tax. [Obs.]

HEAD'-PIECE, n. [hed'-pece.]

  1. Armor for the head; a helmet; a morion. Sidney. Dryden.
  2. Understanding; force of mind. [Not common.] Prideaux.

HEAD-QUART'ERS, n. [plur.]

  1. The quarters or place of residence of the commander-in-chief of an army.
  2. The residence of any chief, or place from which orders are issued.

HEAD'ROPE, n. [hed'-rope.]

That part of a bolt-rope which terminates any sail on the upper edge, and to which it is sewed. Mar. Dict.

HEAD'SAIL, n. [hed'-sail.]

The head-sails of a ship are the sails which are extended on the fore-mast and bowsprit, as the fore-sail, foretop-sail, jib, &c. Mar. Dict.

HEAD'-SEA, n. [hed'-sea.]

Waves that meet the head of a ship or roll against her course. Mar. Dict.