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NO'WAY, or NO'WAYS, adv. [no and way.]

In no manner or degree. [These can hardly be considered as compound words.]

NOW'ED, a. [Fr. noué.]

Knotted; tied in a knot; used in heraldry. Encyc.

NOW'EL, n. [Fr. noel.]

A shout of joy or Christmas song. [Obs.] Chaucer.

NOWES, n. [Fr. nou.]

The marriage knot. [Obs.] Crashaw.

NO'WHERE, [comp. of no and where; Sax. na-whære.]

Not in any place or state. Happiness is nowhere to be found but in the practice of virtue. But it is better to write no and where as separate words.

NO'WISE, adv. [comp. of no and wise; often by mistake written noways.]

Not in any manner or degree. Bentley.

NOX'IOUS, a. [nok'shus; L. noxius, from noceo, to hurt.]

  1. Hurtful; harmful; baneful; pernicious; destructive; unwholesome; insalubrious; as, noxious air, food, climate; pernicious; corrupting to morals; as, noxious practices or examples; noxious haunts of vice.
  2. Guilty; criminal. Those who are noxious in the eye of the law. [Little used.] Bramhall.
  3. Unfavorable; injurious. Too frequent appearance in places of public resort is noxious to spiritual promotion. Swift.


Hurtfully; perniciously.


  1. Hurtfulness; the quality that injures, impairs or destroys; insalubrity; as, the noxiousness of foul air.
  2. The quality that corrupts or perverts; as, the noxiousness of doctrines.

NOY, v. [or n. or Noyance, Noyer, Noyful, Noyous, Noysance. See Annoy and Nuisance.]

NO'YAU, n. [no'yo; Fr. the nut of a fruit, as of a peach or cherry.]

  1. A cordial flavored with the kernel of the nut of the bitter almond.
  2. A rich cordial.

NOZ'ZLE, n. [from nose.]

The nose; the extremity of any thing; the snout. Arbuthnot.


A small or imperfect ear of maiz.

NUB'BLE, v.t. [for knubble, from knob, the fist.]

To heat or bruise with the fist. [Not used.] Ainsworth.

NU-BIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. nubifer; nubes, a cloud or fog, and fero, to produce.]

Bringing or producing clouds.

NU'BILE, a. [Fr. from L. nubilis, from nubo, to marry.]

Marriageable; of an age suitable for marriage. Prior.


The state of being marriageable. Alex. Walker.

NU'BIL-OUS, a. [L. nubilus, from nubes.]

Cloudy. Bailey.

NU-CIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. nux, nut, and fero, to bear.]

Bearing or producing nuts. Dict.

NU'CLE-US, n. [L. from nux, a nut.]

  1. Properly, the kernel of a nut; but in usage, any body about which matter is collected. Woodward.
  2. The body of a comet, called also its head, which appears to be surrounded with light.

NU-DA'TION, n. [L. nudatio, from nudo, to make bare.]

The act of stripping or making bare or naked.

NUDE, a. [L. nudus.]

  1. Bare.
  2. In law, void; of no force. Blackstone.


Relating to an order of molluscous animals, having no shell whatever.

NU'DI-TY, n. [L. nuditas.]

  1. Nakedness.
  2. Nudities, in the plural, naked parts which decency requires to be concealed. Dryden.
  3. In painting and sculpture, the naked parts of the human figure, or parts not covered with drapery.

NUDUM-PACTUM, n. [Nudum pactum; L.]

In law, an agreement that is void or not valid according to the laws of the land. Blackstone.