a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



Heedless; unsteady; volatile; incautious. Donne.


Moving irregularly. Shak.

GIE, n. [a contraction of guide. Not in use.]


GIER-EA'GLE, n. [Qu. D. gier, a vulture.]

A fowl of the eagle kind, mentioned in Leviticus ii.


A mineral of a rhomboidal form and compact texture, of a gray or brown color, and nearly as hard as calcarious spar. [Obs.]

GIF, v.t. [from Sax. gif, from gifan, to give.]

The old but true spelling of if.

GIFT, n. [from give.]

  1. A present; any thing given or bestowed; any thing, the property of which is voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation; a donation. It is applicable to any thing movable or immovable.
  2. The act of giving or conferring. Milton.
  3. The right or power of giving or bestowing. The prince has the gift of many lucrative offices.
  4. An offering or oblation. If thou bring thy gift to the altar. Matth. v.
  5. A reward. Let thy gifts be to thyself. Dan. v.
  6. A bribe; any thing given to corrupt the judgment. Neither take a gift, for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise. Deut. xvi.
  7. Power; faculty; some quality or endowment conferred by the author of our nature; as, the gift of wit; the gift of ridicule. Addison.

GIFT, v.t.

To endow with any power or faculty.

GIFT'ED, pp. [or a.]

Endowed by nature with any power or faculty; furnished with any particular talent.


The state of being gifted. Echard.

GIFT'ING, ppr.

Endowing with any power or faculty.

GIG, n. [It. giga, a jig; Fr. gigue, a jig, a romp; Sw. giga, a jews-harp; Ice. gigia, a fiddle.]

  1. Any little thing that is whirled round in play. Locke.
  2. A light carriage with one pair of wheels, drawn by one horse; a chair or chaise.
  3. A fiddle.
  4. A dart or harpoon. [See Fishgig.]
  5. A ship's boat.
  6. A wanton girl.

GIG, v.t. [L. gigno.]

  1. To engender. [Not in use.] Dryden.
  2. To fish with a gig or fishgig.

GI-GAN-TE'AN, a. [L. giganteus. See Giant.]

Like a giant; mighty. More.

GI-GAN'TIC, a. [L. giganticus.]

  1. Of extraordinary size; very large; huge; like a giant. A man of gigantic stature.
  2. Enormous; very great or mighty; as, gigantic deeds; gigantic wickedness. Gigantical and Gigantine, for gigantic, rarely or never used.

GI-GAN-TOL'O-GY, n. [Gr. γιγας, a giant, and λογος, discourse.]

An account or description of giants.

GI-GAN-TOM'A-CHY, n. [Gr. γιγας, giant, and μαχη, fight.]

The fabulous war of the giants against heaven.

GIG'GLE, n. [Sax. geagl; Scot. geck.]

A kind of laugh, with short catches of the voice or breath.

GIGGLE, v.i. [D. gichgelen; Sax. geagl; a laugh or sneer, and gagol, sportive, wanton; It. ghignare, to simper, ghignazzare, to laugh or grin. In Ir. giglim is to tickle; Gr. γιγγλισμος.]

To laugh with short catches of the breath or voice; to laugh in a silly, puerile manner; to titter; to grin with childish levity or mirth. Garrick.


One that giggles or titters.

GIG'LET, or GIG'LOT, n. [Sax. geagl, wanton; Fr. giguer, to romp, to frisk. See Gig.]

A wanton; a lascivious girl. Shak.


Giddy; light; inconstant; wanton. Shak.

GIG'OT, n. [Fr.]

The hip joint; also, a slice. [Not English.]


Belonging to the monastic order mentioned above. Weever.


One of a religious order, so named from Gilbert, lord of Sempringham, in Lincolnshire, England.