Dictionary: FRAM'A-BLE – FRANK

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a, That may be framed.


  1. The timbers of an edifice fitted and joined in the form proposed, for the purpose of supporting the covering; as, the frame of a house, barn, bridge or ship.
  2. Any fabric or structure composed of parts united; as, the frame of an ox or horse. So we say, the frame of the heavenly arch; the frame of the world. Hooker. Tillotson.
  3. Any kind of case or structure made for admitting, inclosing or supporting things; as, the frame of a window, door picture, or looking glass.
  4. Among printers, a stand to support the cases in which the types are distributed.
  5. Among founders; a kind of ledge, inclosing a board, which being filled with wet sand, serves as a mold for castings. Encyc.
  6. A sort of loom on which linen, silk, &c., is stretched for quilting or embroidering. Encyc.
  7. Order; regularity; adjusted series or composition of parts. We say, a person is out of frame; the mind is not in a good frame. Your steady soul preserves her frame. Swift.
  8. Form; scheme; structure; constitution; system; as, a frame of government.
  9. Contrivance; projection. John the bastard, / Whose spirits toil in frame of villainies. Shak.
  10. Particular state, as of the mind.
  11. Shape; form; proportion. Hudibras. Lace-frame, a frame or machine for making lace. Stocking-frame, a loom or machine for making stockings, with silk, woolen, or cotton thread.

FRAME, v.i.

To contrive. Judges xii. 6.

FRAME, v.t. [Sax. fremman, to frame, to effect or perform; Arm. framma, to join; D. raam, a frame, G. rahm, a frame and cream; Dan. rame; Sw. ram; Russ. rama. Qu. Class Rm, No. 6. In Russ. rama is a frame, and ramo, the shoulder, L. armus, Eng. arm.]

  1. To fit or prepare and unite several parts in a regular structure or entire thing; to fabricate by orderly construction and union of various parts; as, to frame a house or other building.
  2. To fit one thing to another; to adjust; to make suitable. Abbot.
  3. To make; to compose; as, to frame a law. For thou art framed of the firm truth of valor. Shak.
  4. To regulate; to adjust; to shape; to conform; as, to frame our lives according to the rules of the Gospel.
  5. To form and digest by thought; as, to frame ideas in the mind. How many excellent reasonings are framed in the mind of a man of wisdom and study in a length of years! Watts.
  6. To contrive; to plan; to devise; as, to frame a project or design.
  7. To invent; to fabricate; in a bad sense; as, to frame a story or lie.

FRAM-ED, pp.

Fitted and united in due form; made; composed; devised; adjusted.


One who frames; a maker; a contriver.


Work done in a frame. Milton.

FRAM'ING, ppr.

Fitting and joining in due construction; making; fabricating; composing; adjusting; inventing; contriving.


Peevish; rugged. [Low and not in use.] Hacket.

FRAN'CHISE, n. [fran'chiz; Fr. from franc, free; It. franchezza; Sp. and Port. franqueza. See Frank. Properly, liberty, freedom. Hence,]

  1. A particular privilege or right granted by a prince or sovereign to an individual, or to a number of persons; as, the right to be a body corporate with perpetual succession; the right to hold a court leet or other court; to have waifs, wrecks, treasure-trove, or forfeitures. So the right to vote for governor, senators and representatives, is a franchise belonging to citizens, and not enjoyed by aliens. The right to establish a bank is a franchise.
  2. Exemption from a burden or duty to which others are subject.
  3. The district or jurisdiction to which a particular privilege extends; the limits of an immunity. Spenser.
  4. An asylum or sanctuary, where persons are secure from arrest. Churches and monasteries in Spain are franchises for criminals. Encyc.


To make free; but enfranchise is more generally used. Shak.


Made free.


Release from burden or restriction; freedom. Spenser.


Making free.


Pertaining to the Franks or French.


Belonging to the order of St. Francis.


One of the order of St. Francis; an order of monks founded by him in 1209. They are called also Gray Friars.


A species of partridge, European and Asiatic; the Perdix francolinus.


The state or quality of being frangible.

FRAN'GI-BLE, a. [from L. frango, to break.]

That may be broken; brittle; fragile; easily broken. Boyle.


A paramour, or a boon companion. [Not used.] Spencer.

FRANK, a. [Fr. franc; It. and Sp. franco; G. frank; D. vrank. Qu. Ar. فَرَغَ fraga or franga, to free. Class Br, No. 36, or Class Brg, No. 5, 6, 7, 8. Free and frank may be from the same root or family, for free in Saxon is frigan, coinciding in elements with break, and the nasal sound of g would give frank. The French franchir gives the sense of breaking out or over limits.]

  1. Open; ingenuous; candid; free in uttering real sentiments; not reserved; using no disguise. Young persons are usually frank; old persons are more reserved.
  2. Open; ingenuous; as, a frank disposition or heart.
  3. Liberal; generous; not niggardly. Bacon. [This sense is now rare.]
  4. Free; without conditions or compensation; as, a frank gift.
  5. Licentious; unrestrained. [Not used.] Spenser.


  1. An ancient coin of France. The value of the gold franc was something more than that of the gold crown. The silver franc was in value a third of the gold one. The gold coin is no longer in circulation. The present franc or frank, is a silver coin of the value nearly of nineteen cents, or ten pence sterling.
  2. A letter which is exempted from postage; or the writing which renders it free.
  3. A sty for swine. [Not used.] Shak.


  1. A name given by the Turks, Greeks and Arabs to any of the inhabitants of the western parts of Europe, English, French, Italians, &c.
  2. The people of Franconia, in Germany.

FRANK, v.t.

  1. To exempt, as a letter from the charge of postage.
  2. To shut up in a sty or frank. [Not used.] Shak.
  3. To feed high; to cram; to fatten. [Not used.]