Dictionary: FA'TAL-LY – FATH'OM

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FA'TAL-LY, adv.

  1. By a decree of fate or destiny; by inevitable necessity or determination. Bentley.
  2. Mortally; destructively; in death or ruin. This encounter ended fatally. The prince was fatally deceived.


Invincible necessity.

FA'TA-MOR-GA'NA, n. [It.]

An extraordinary atmospheric refraction, by which objects below the horizon become visible; looming.


Dull of apprehension. Shak.

FATE, n. [L. fatum, from for, fari, to speak, whence fatus.]

  1. Primarily, a decree or word pronounced by God, or a fixed sentence by which the order of things is prescribed. Hence, inevitable necessity; destiny depending on a superior cause and uncontrollable. According to the Stoics, every event is determined by fate. Necessity or chance / Approach not me; and what I will is fate. Milton.
  2. Event predetermined; lot; destiny. It is our fate to meet with disappointments. It is the fate of mortals. Tell me what fates attend the Duke Suffolk. Shak.
  3. Final event; death; destruction. Yet still he chose the longest way to fate. Dryden. The whizzing arrow sings, / And bears thy fate, Antinous, on its wings. Pope.
  4. Cause of death. Dryden calls an arrow a feathered fate. Divine fate, the order or determination of God; providence. Encyc.

FAT-ED, a.

  1. Decreed by fate; doomed; destined. He was fated to rule over a factious people.
  2. Modeled or regulated by fate. Her awkward love indeed was oddly fated. Prior.
  3. Endued with any quality by fate. Dryden.
  4. Invested with the power of fatal determination. The fatal sky / Gives us free scope. Shak. [The two last senses are hardly legitimate.]


Bearing fatal power; producing fatal events. The fateful steel. J. Barlow.


In a fateful manner.


State of being fateful.

FATES, n. [plur.]

In mythology, the destinies or parcæ; goddesses supposed to preside over the birth and life of men. They were three in number, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Lempriere.

FA-THER, n. [Sax. fæder, feder; G. vater; D. vader; Ice. Sw. and Dan. fader; Gr. πατηρ; L. pater; Sp. padre; It. padre; Port. pai, or pay; Fr. père, by contraction; Pers. ﭘَدَرْ, padar; Russ. batia; Sans. and Bali, pita; Zend. fedre; Syr. ܒܛܪܐ, batara. This word signifies the begetter, from the verb, Sw. föda, Dan. föder, to beget, to feed; Goth. fodyan; Sax. fedan; D. voeden, to feed; whence fodder, G. futter, füttern. The primary sense is obvious. See Class Bd, No. 54, 55. The Goth. atta, Ir. aithir or athair, Basque aita, may be from the same root by loss of the first letter.]

  1. He who begets a child; in L. genitor or generator. The father of a fool hath no joy. Prov. xvii. A wise son maketh a glad father. Prov. x.
  2. The first ancestor; the progenitor of a race or family. Adam was the father of the human race. Abraham was the father of the Israelites.
  3. The appellation of an old man, and a term of respect. The king of Israel said to Elisha, my father, shall I smite them? 2 Kings vi. The servants of Naaman call him father. Ibm. v. Elderly men are called fathers; as, the fathers of a town or city. In the church, men venerable for age, learning and piety are called fathers, or reverend fathers.
  4. The grandfather, or more remote ancestor. Nebuchadnezzar is called the father of Belshazzar, though he was his grandfather. Dan. v.
  5. One who feeds and supports, or exercises paternal care over another. God is called the father of the fatherless. Ps. lxviii. I was a father to the poor. Job xxix.
  6. He who creates, invents, makes or composes any thing; the author, former or contriver; a founder, director or instructor. God as creator is the father of all men. John viii. Jabal was the father of such as dwell in tents; and Jubal of musicians. Gen. iv. God is the father of spirits and of lights. Homer is considered as the father of epic poetry. Washington, as a defender and an affectionate and wise counselor, is called the father of his country. And see1 Chron. ii, 51; iv, 14; ix, 35. Satan is called the father of lies; he introduced sin, and instigates men to sin. Jo hn viii. Abraham is called the father of believers; he was an early believer, and a pattern of faith and obedience. Rom. iv.
  7. Fathers, in the plural, ancestors. David slept with his fathers. 1 King ii.
  8. A father in law. So Heli is called the father of Joseph. Luke iii.
  9. The appellation of the first person in the adorable Trinity. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matth. xxviii.
  10. The title given to dignitaries of the church, superiors of convents, and to popish confessors.
  11. The appellation of the ecclesiastical writers of the first centuries, as Polycarp, Jerome, &c.
  12. The title of a senator in ancient Rome; as, conscript fathers. Adoptive father, he who adopts the children of another, and acknowledges them as his own. Natural father, the father of illegitimate children. Putative father, one who is only reputed to be the father; the supposed father.

FA'THER, v.t.

  1. To adopt; to take the child of another as one's own.
  2. To adopt any thing as one's own; to profess to be the author. Men of wit / Often father'd what he writ. Swift.
  3. To ascribe or charge to one as his offspring or production; with on. My name was made use of by several persons, one of whom was pleased to father on me a new set of productions. Swift.


  1. Adopted; taken as one's own; ascribed to one as the author.
  2. Having had a father of particular qualities. I am no stronger than my sex, / Being so father'd and so husbanded. [Unusual.] Shak.


The state of being a father, or the character or authority of a father. We might have had an entire notion of this fatherhood, or fatherly authority. Locke.


Adopting; taking or acknowledging as one's own; ascribing to the father or author.


The father of one's husband or wife; and a man who marries a woman who has children by a former husband is called the father-in-law or step-father of those children.


The native land of one's fathers or ancestors. England is the father-land of the people of New England; and Persia, the father-land of the Teutonic nations.


A fish of the genus Cottus or bullhead, called scorpius or scolping. The head is large and its spines formidable. It is found on the rocky coasts of Britain, and near Newfoundland and Greenland. In the latter country it is a great article of food. Encyc. Pennant.


  1. Destitute of a living father; as, a fatherless child.
  2. Without a known author.


The state of being without a father.

FA'THER-LI-NESS, n. [See Fatherly.]

The qualities of a father; parental kindness, care and tenderness.

FA'THER-LY, a. [father and like.]

  1. Like a father in affection and care; tender; paternal; protecting; careful; as, fatherly care or affection.
  2. Pertaining to a father.

FA'THER-LY, adv.

In the manner of a father. Thus Adam, fatherly displeased. [Not proper.]. Milton.


The state of being a father.

FATH'OM, n. [Sax. fæthem; Ir. fead; G. faden; D. vadem. Qu. Dan. favn. The German word signifies a thread, a fathom, and probably thread or line is the real signification.]

  1. A measure of length containing six feet, the space to which a man may extend his arms; used chiefly at sea for measuring cables, cordage, and the depth of the sea in sounding by a line and lead.
  2. Reach; penetration; depth of thought or contrivance. Shak.