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A burning. [Little used.]


A flat stone for pavement.


A worm or grub found among flags and sedge. Walton.

FLAIL, n. [D. vlegel; G. flegel; L. flagellum; Fr. fleau. We retain the original verb in flog, to strike, to lay on, L. fligo, whence affligo, to afflict; Gr. πληγη, L. plaga, a stroke, or perhaps from the same root as lick and lay. See Lick.]

An instrument for thrashing or beating corn from the ear.

FLAKE, n. [Sax. flace; D. vlaak, a hurdle for wool; vlok, a flock, a flake, a tuft; G. flocke, fluge, id.; Dan. flok, a herd, and lok, a lock or flock of wool; L. floccus; Gr. πλοκη, πλοκος; It. fiocco; Ir. flocas. Flake and flock are doubtless the same word, varied in orthography, and connected perhaps with L. plico, Gr. πλεκω. The sense is a complication, a crowd, or a lay.]

  1. A small collection of snow, as it falls from the clouds or from the air; a little bunch or cluster of snowy crystals, such as fall in still moderate weather. This is a flake, lock or flock of snow.
  2. A platform of hurdles, or small sticks made fast or interwoven, supported by stanchions, on which cod-fish is dried. Massachusetts.
  3. A layer or stratum; as, a flake of flesh or tallow. Job xli.
  4. A collection or little particle of fire, or of combustible matter on fire, separated and flying off.
  5. Any scaly matter in layers; any mass cleaving off in scales. Little flakes of scurf. Addison.
  6. A sort of carnations of two colors only, having large stripes going through the leaves. Encyc. White-flake, in painting, is lead corroded by means of the pressing of grapes, or a ceruse prepared by the acid of grapes. It is brought from Italy, and of a quality superior to common white lead. It is used in oil and varnished painting, when a clean white is required. Encyc.

FLAKE, v.i.

To break or separate in layers; to peel or scale off. We more usually say, to flake off.

FLAKE, v.t.

To form into flakes. Pope.

FLAK-ED, pp.

Formed into flakes.


Oxyd of bismuth. Ure.

FLAK-ING, ppr.

Forming into flakes.

FLAK-Y, a.

  1. Consisting of flakes or locks; consisting of small loose masses.
  2. Lying in flakes; consisting of layers, or cleaving off in layers.

FLAM, n. [Ice. flim; W. llam, a leap.]

A freak or whim; also, a falsehood; a lie; an illusory pretext; deception; delusion. Lies immortalized and consigned over as a perpetual abuse and flam upon posterity. South.

FLAM, v.t.

To deceive with falsehood; to delude. South.

FLAM'BEAU, n. [flam'bo; Fr. from L. flamma, flame.]

A light or luminary made of thick wicks covered with wax, and used in the streets at night, at illuminations, and in processions. Flambeaus are made square, and usually consist of four wicks or branches, near an inch thick, and about three feet long, composed of coarse hempen yarn, half twisted. Encyc.

FLAME, n. [Fr. flamme; L. flamma; It. fiamma; Sp. llama; D. vlam; G. flamme.]

  1. A blaze; burning vapor; vapor in combustion; or according to modern chimistry, hydrogen or any inflammable gas, in a state of combustion, and naturally ascending in a stream from burning bodies, being specifically lighter than common air. A luminous fluid proceeding from burning bodies and from the combustion of their volatile particles. Dict. Nat. Hist.
  2. Fire in general. Cowley.
  3. Heat of passion; tumult; combustion; blaze; violent contention. One jealous, tattling mischief-maker will set a whole village in a flame.
  4. Ardor of temper or imagination; brightness of fancy; vigor of thought. Great are their faults, and glorious is their flame. Waller.
  5. Ardor of inclination; warmth of affection. Smit with the love of kindred arts we came, / And met congenial, mingling flame with flame. Pope.
  6. The passion of love; ardent love. My heart's on flame. Cowley.
  7. Rage; violence; as, the flames of war.

FLAME, v.i.

  1. To blaze; to burn in vapor, or in a current; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion.
  2. To shine like burning gas. In flaming yellow bright. Prior.
  3. To break out in violence of passion. Beaum.

FLAME, v.t.

To inflame; to excite. Spenser.


Bright color, as that of flame. B. Jonson.


Of the color of flame; of a bright yellow color. Shak.


Having eyes like a flame.


Destitute of flame; without incense.

FLA'MEN, n. [L.]

  1. In ancient Rome, a priest. Originally there were three priests so called; the Flamen Dialis, consecrated to Jupiter; Flamen Martialis, sacred to Mars; and Flamen Quirinalis, who superintended the rites of Quirinus or Romulus.
  2. A priest. Pope.


A bursting out in a flame.

FLAM-ING, ppr.

  1. Burning in flame.
  2. adj. Bright; red. Also, violent; vehement; a flaming harangue.


Most brightly; with great show or vehemence.