Dictionary: COL'ICK-Y – COL'LEAGUE

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Pertaining to colic.

COL'IN, n.

A bird of the partridge kind, found in America and the West Indies, called also a Quail.

COLL, v.t.

To embrace. [Not in use. See Collar.] Spenser.

COL-LAPSE', n. [collaps'.]

A falling together; a wasting of the body, or extreme depression of its energies.

COL-LAPSE, v.i. [collaps'; L. collabor, collapsus; con and labor, to slide or fall.]

To fall together, as the two sides of a vessel; to close by falling together; as, the fine canals or vessels of the body collapse in old age. – Arbuthnot.


Fallen together; closed.


A state of falling together; a state of vessels closed.

COL'LAR, n. [L. collare; Fr. collier, collet; Arm. colyer; It. collare; Sp. collar; from L. collum, the neck.]

  1. Something worn round the neck, as a ring of metal, or a chain. The knights of several orders wear a chain of gold, enameled, and sometimes set with ciphers or other devices, to which the badge of the order is appended. – Encyc.
  2. The part of a garment which surrounds the neck. Job xxx. 18.
  3. A part of a harness for the neck of a horse or other beast, used in draught.
  4. Among seamen, the upper part of a stay; also, a rope in form of a wreath to which a stay is confined. – Mar. Dict. To slip the collar, is to escape or get free; to disentangle one's self from difficulty, labor, or engagement. Johnson. A collar of brawn, is the quantity bound up in one parcel. [Not used in America.] – Johnson.

COL'LAR, v.t.

  1. To seize by the collar.
  2. To put a collar on. To collar beef or other meat, is to roll it up and bind it close with a string. [English.]


A tax or fine laid for the collars of wine-drawing horses. [Eng.] – Bailey. Encyc.


The clavicle.


  1. Seized by the collar.
  2. Having a collar on the neck.

COL-LATE', v.i.

To place in a benefice, as by a bishop. If the bishop neglects to collate within six months, the right to do it devolves on the archbishop. – Encyc.

COL-LATE', v.t. [L. collatum, collatus; con and latum, latus; considered to be the supine and participle of fero, confero, but a word of distinct origin. Literally, to bring or lay together. Hence,]

  1. To lay together and compare, by examining the points in which two or more things of a similar kind agree or disagree; applied particularly to manuscripts and books; as, to collate copies of the Hebrew Scriptures.
  2. To confer or bestow a benefice on a clergyman, by a bishop who has it in his own gift or patronage; or more strictly, to present and institute a clergyman in a benefice, when the same person is both the ordinary and the patron; followed by to. If the patron neglects to present, the bishop may collate his clerk to the church. – Blackstone.
  3. To bestow or confer. – Taylor.
  4. To gather and place in order, as the sheets of a book, for binding.


Laid together and compared; examined by comparing; presented and instituted, as a clergyman, to a benefice.

COL-LAT'ER-AL, a. [L. collateralis; con and lateralis, from latus, a side.]

  1. Being by the side, side by side, on the side, or side to side. In his bright radiance and collateral light Must I be comforted, not in his sphere. – Shak. Collateral pressure is pressure on the side. So we say, collateral circumstances, circumstances which accompany a principal event.
  2. In genealogy, descending from the same stock or ancestor, but not one from the other; as distinguished from lineal. Lineal descendants proceed one from another in a direct line; collateral relations spring from a common ancestor, but from different branches of that common stirps or stock. Thus the children of brothers are collateral relations, having different fathers, but a common grandfather. – Blackstone.
  3. Collateral security, is security for the performance of covenants or the payment of money, besides the principal security.
  4. Running parallel. – Johnson.
  5. Diffused on either side; springing from relations; as, collateral love. – Milton.
  6. Not direct, or immediate. If by direct or collateral hand. – Shak.
  7. Concurrent; as, collateral strength. – Atterbury.


A collateral relation or kinsman.


  1. Side by side; or by the side.
  2. Indirectly. – Dryden.
  3. In collateral relation; not in a direct line; not lineally.


The state of being collateral.


Comparing; presenting and instituting.


  1. The act of bringing or laying together, and comparing; a comparison of one copy or thing of a like kind with another. – Pope.
  2. The act of conferring or bestowing; a gift. – Ray.
  3. In the canon law, the presentation of a clergyman to a benefice by a bishop, who has it in his own gift or patronage. Collation includes both presentation and institution. When the patron of a church is not a bishop, he presents his clerk for admission, and the bishop institutes him; but if a bishop is the patron, his presentation and institution are one act, and are called collation. – Blackstone.
  4. In common law, the presentation of a copy to its original, and a comparison made by examination, to ascertain its conformity; also, the report of the act made by the proper officers. – Encyc.
  5. In Scots law, the right which an heir has of throwing the whole heritable and movable estates of the deceased into one mass, and sharing it equally with others who are of the same degree of kindred.
  6. A repast between full meals; as, a cold collation. Collation of seals, denotes one seal set on the same label, on the reverse of another. – Encyc.


Advowsons are presentative, collative, or donative. An advowson collative is where the bishop and patron are one and the same person; in which case the bishop can not present to himself, but he does, by one act of collation or conferring the benefice, the whole that is done, in common cases, by both presentation and institution. – Blackstone.


  1. One who collates or compares manuscripts or copies of books. – Addison.
  2. One who collates to a benefice, as when the ordinary and patron are the same person. – Ayliffe.

COL-LAUD', v.t. [L. collaudo.]

To unite in praising. [Little used.] – Howell.

COL'LEAGUE, n. [col'leeg; L. collega; Fr. collegue; It. collega; Sp. colega; L. con and lego, to choose, or lego to send, or ligo to bind. This word is differently accented by different speakers and lexicographers. I have followed the latest authorities.]

A partner or associate in the same office, employment or commission, civil or ecclesiastical. – Milton. Swift. It is never used of partners in trade or manufactures.