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COUN-TER-NE-GO-TIA'TION, n. [counter and negotiation.]

Negotiation in opposition to other negotiation.

COUN'TER-NOISE, n. [counter and noise.]

A noise or sound by which another noise or sound is overpowered. – Calamy.

COUN-TER-O'PEN-ING, n. [counter and opening.]

An aperture or vent on the opposite side, or in a different place. – Sharp.

COUN'TER-PACE, n. [counter and pace.]

A step or measure in opposition to another; contrary measure or attempt. – Swift.

COUN'TER-PAL-ED, a. [counter and pale.]

In heraldry, is when the escutcheon is divided into twelve pales parted perfesse, the two colors being counterchanged; so that the upper and lower are of different colors. – Encyc.


  1. A particular kind of coverlet for a bed. [See Counterpoint.]
  2. One part of an indenture. [Obs.] – B. Jonson.

COUN'TER-PART, n. [counter and part.]

  1. The correspondent part; the part that answers to another, as the two papers of a contract or indentures; a copy; a duplicate. Also, the part which fits another, as the key of a cipher. – Addison. Johnson.
  2. In music, the part to be applied to another; as, the base is the counterpart to the treble. – Bailey. Encyc.

COUN-TER-PAS'SANT, a. [counter and passant.]

In heraldry, is when two lions in a coat of arms are represented as going contrary ways. – Bailey. Encyc.


A petition in opposition to another. – Clarendon.

COUN'TER-PLEA, n. [counter and plea.]

In law, a replicate to a plea, or request. – Cowel.


A plot or artifice opposed to another. L'Estrange.

COUN-TER-PLOT', v.t. [counter and plot.]

To oppose one plot to another; to attempt to frustrate stratagem by stratagem.


A plotting in opposition to a stratagem.

COUN'TER-POINT, n. [Fr. contrepointe; Arm. contrepoentenn; It. contrappunto; contre and point.]

  1. A coverlet; a cover for a bed, stitched or woven in squares; written corruptly counterpane.
  2. In music, counterpoint is when the musical characters by which the notes in each part are signified, are placed in such a manner, each with respect to each, as to show how the parts answer one to another. Hence counterpoint in composition is the art of combining and modulating consonant sounds. – Encyc. Busby.
  3. An opposite point. – Sandys.

COUN'TER-POISE, n. [Fr. contrepoids; It. contrappeso; Sp. contrapeso.]

  1. Equal weight acting in opposition to something; equiponderance; a weight sufficient to balance another in the opposite scale; equal balance. – Milton.
  2. Equal power or force acting in opposition; a force sufficient to balance another force; equipollence. The second nobles are a counterpoise to the higher nobility. – Bacon.
  3. In the manege, a position of the rider in which his body is duly balanced in his seat, not inclined more to one side than the other. – Encyc.

COUN'TER-POISE, v.t. [s as z. Fr. contrepeser; It. contrappesare; Sp. contrapesar; contre, contra, and peser, pesar, to weigh. See Poise.]

  1. To counterbalance; to weigh against with equal weight; to be equiponderant to; to equal in weight. The force and distance of weights counterpoising each other, ought to be reciprocal. – Digby. The heaviness of bodies must be counterpoised by a plummet fastened about the pulley to the axis. – Wilkins.
  2. To act against with equal power or effect; to balance. The wisdom of the senate may be able to counterpoise the rash impetuosity of a democractic house.


Balanced by an equivalent opposing weight, or by equal power.


Balancing by equal weight in the opposite scale, or by equal power.

COUN'TER-POI-SON, n. [s as z. counter and poison.]

One poison that destroys the effect of another; an antidote; a medicine that obviates the effects of poison. – Arbuthnot.


Practice in opposition to another.

COUN-TER-PRESS'URE, n. [counter and pressure.]

Opposing pressure; a force or pressure that acts in a contrary direction. – Blackmore.

COUN'TER-PROJ-ECT, n. [counter and project.]

A project, scheme or proposal, of one party, given in opposition to another, before given by the other party; as in the negotiation of a treaty. – Swift.

COUN'TER-PROOF, n. [counter and proof.]

In rolling-press printing, a print taken off from another fresh printed, which by being passed through the press, gives the figure of the former, but inverted. – Encyc.

COUN'TER-PROVE, v.t. [counter and prove.]

To take off a design in black lead or red chalk, by passing it through a rolling press with another piece of paper, both being moistened with a spunge. – Chambers.

COUN'TER-PROV-ED, pp. [See the Verb.]