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OM-I-LET'I-CAL, a. [Gr. ομίλητικος.]

Affable; polite; gifted in conversation. [Not in use.] Farindan.

OM'IN-ATE, v.i.

To foretoken.

OM'IN-ATE, v.t. [L. ominor, from omen.]

To presage; to foreshow; to foretoken. [Little used.] Decay of Piety.


A foreboding; a presaging; prognostic. [Little used.] Brown.

OM'IN-OUS, a. [L. ominosus.]

  1. Foreboding or presaging evil; indicating a future evil, event; inauspicious. In the heathen worship of God, a sacrifice without a heart was accounted ominous. South.
  2. Foreshowing or exhibiting signs of good. Though he had a good ominous name to have made peace, nothing followed. Bacon.

OM'IN-OUS-LY, adv.

With good or bad omens. Fotherby.


The quality of being ominous. Burnet.

O-MIS'SIBLE, a. [L. omissus. See Omit.]

That may be omitted. Parkhurst.

O-MIS'SION, n. [Fr. from L. omissio, from omitto, omissus.]

  1. Neglect or failure to do something which a person had power to do, or which duty required to be done. Omission may be innocent or criminal; innocent, when no duty demands performance; but criminal when duty is neglected. The most natural division of all offenses, is into those of omission and those of commission. Addison.
  2. A leaving out; neglect or failure to insert or mention; as, the omission of a word or clause.


Leaving out. Stackhouse.


By leaving out.

O-MIT', v.t. [L. omitto; ob and mitto, to send.]

  1. To leave, pass by or neglect; to fail or forbear to do or to use; as, to omit an opportunity of writing a letter. To omit known duty is criminal.
  2. To leave out; not to insert or mention; as, to omit an important word in a deed; to omit invidious comparisons; to omit a passage in reading or transcribing.


Forbearance; neglect. [Not used.] Shak.

O-MIT'TED, pp.

Neglected; passed by; left out.

O-MIT'TING, ppr.

Neglecting or failing to do or use; passing by; leaving out.

OM'NI-BUS, n. [L. plural dative for all, from omnis, all.]

A covered vehicle, usually a very large wagon, used for conveying passengers a short distance, in a city or from village to village, or from a city to its environs.

OM-NI-FA'RI-OUS, a. [Low L. omnifarius.]

Of all varieties, forms or kinds. Bentley.

OM-NIF'ER-OUS, a. [L. omnifer; omnis, all, and fero, to, bear.]

All-bearing; producing all kinds. Dict.

OM-NIF'IC, a. [L. omnis, all, and facio, to make.]

All-creating. Thou deep, peace! / Said then th' omnific word, your discord end. Milton.

OM'NI-FORM, a. [L. omnis, all, and forma, form.]

Having every form or shape. Dict.


The quality of having every form. More.

OM-NIG'EN-OUS, a. [L. omnigenus; omnis, all, every, and genus, kind.]

Consisting of all kinds. Dict.

OM-NI-PAR'I-TY, n. [L. omnis, all, and par, equal.]

General equality. White.

OM-NI-PER-CIP'I-ENCE, n. [L. omnis, and percipiens, perceiving.]

Perception of every thing. More.


Perceiving every thing. More.