Dictionary: ON'A-GER – ON-LY

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ON'A-GER, n. [L.]

The wild ass, Equus Asinus, a soliped pachydermatous mammal, originally inhabiting the great deserts of central Asia, and still found there in its wild state.

O'NAN-ISM, n. [from Onan, in Scripture.]

The crime of self-pollution.

ONCE, adv. [wuns; from one. So D. eens, from een, and G. einst, from ein, one.]

  1. One time. Trees that bear mast are fruitful but once in two years. Bacon.
  2. One time, though no more. The mind once tainted with vice, is prone to grow worse and worse.
  3. At one former time; formerly. My soul had once some foolish fondness for thee, / But hence 'tis gone. Addison.
  4. At the same point of time; not gradually. At once the winds arise, / The thunders roll. Dryden. At once, at the same time; as, they all moved at once; hence, when it refers to two or more, the sense is, together, as one. This hath all its force at once, on the first impression. Atterbury. Once is used as a noun, when preceded by this or that; as, this once, that once.

ONCE, n. [ons; Fr.]

Felis Uncia, a digitigrade carnivorous mammal, of the cat kind. It has a long tail and a whitish body covered with irregular simple black spots. It inhabits Persia.

ONE, a. [wun; Sax. an, æn; D. een; G. ein; Sw. en; Dan. en or een; Ice. einn; W. un or yn; L. unus; Gr. ἑν; It. and Sp. uno; Port. hum; Fr. un; Arm. unan; Ir. an, aon.]

  1. Single in number; individual; as, one man; one book. There is one sun only in our system of planets.
  2. Indefinitely, some or any. You will one day repent of your folly. But in this phrase, one day is equivalent to some future time.
  3. It follows any. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom. – Matth. xiii.
  4. Different; diverse; opposed to another. It is one thing to promise, and another to fulfill.
  5. It is used with another, to denote mutuality or reciprocation. Be kind and assist one another.
  6. It is used with another, to denote average or mean proportion. The coins one with another, weigh seven penny weight each.
  7. One of two; opposed to other. Ask from one side of heaven to the other. – Deut. iv.
  8. Single by union; undivided; the same. The church is therefore one, though the members may be many. – Pearson.
  9. Single in kind; the same. One plague was on you and on all your lords. – 1 Sam. iv. One day, on a certain or particular day, referring to time past. One day when Phoebe fair / With all her band was following the chase. – Spenser. #2. Referring to future time; at a future time, indefinitely. [See One, No. 2.] At one, in union; in agreement or concord. The king resolved to keep Ferdinand and Phillip at one with themselves. – Bacon. In one, in union; in one united body. One, like many other adjectives, is used without a noun, and is to be considered as a substitute for some noun understood. Let the men depart one by one; count them one by one; every one has his peculiar habits; we learn of one another, that is, we learn, one of us learns of another. In this use, as a substitute, one may be plural; as the great ones of the earth; they came with their little ones. It is also denotes union, a united body. Ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. iii. One o'clock, one hour of the clock, that is, as signified or represented by the clock. One is used indefinitely for any person; as, one sees; one knows; after the French manner, on voit. Our ancestors used man in this manner; man sees; man knows; “man brohte,” man brought, that is, they brought. Saxon. This word we have received from the Latin through the Italian and French. The same word from our Saxon ancestors we write an.


Having one arch. Mrs. Butler.

ONE-BER-RY, n. [wun'-berry.]

A plant of the genus Paris; true love. Fam. of Plants.

ONE'-EY-ED, a. [wun'-eyed.]

Having one eye only. Dryden.


Having the power of interpreting dreams, or pretending to judge of future events signified by dreams. My oneirocritical correspondent. Addison.

O-NEI-RO-CRIT'IC, n.1 [Gr. ονειροκριτικος; ονειρον, a dream, and κριτικος, discerning.]

An interpreter of dreams; one who judges what is signified by dreams. Warburton. Addison.


The act of interpreting dreams. Warburton.

O-NEI'RO-MAN-CY, n. [Gr. ονειρον, a dream, and μαντεια, divination.]

Divination by dreams. Spenser.

ONE-MENT, n. [wun'ment.]

State of being one. [Not in use.] Bp. Hall.

ONE-NESS, n. [wun'ness; from one.]

Singleness in number; individuality; unity; the quality of being one. Our God is one, or rather very oneness. Hooker.

ON'ER-A-RY, a. [L. onerarius, from onus, a load; onero, to load.]

Fitted or intended for the carriage of burdens; comprising a burden.

ON'ER-ATE, v.t. [L. onero, from onus, a burden.]

To load; to burden.

ON'ER-A-TED, pp.

Loaded; burdened.


The act of loading.

ON'ER-OUS, a. [L. onerosus, from onus, a load.]

  1. Burdensome; oppressive. Ayliffe. Burton.
  2. In Scots law, being for the advantage of both parties; as, an onerous contract; opposed to gratuitous.

ON'ER-OUS-LY, adv.



Having one side.


State of being one-sided. West. Rev.

ON-ION, n. [un'yun; Fr. ognon; Arm. ouignoun; Ir. uinnium. In W. ceninen is a leek.]

A plant of the genus Allium; and particularly, its bulbous root, much used as an article of food.

ON-KOT'O-MY, n. [Gr. ογκος, tumor, and τεμνω, to cut.]

In surgery, the opening of a tumor or abscess. Encyc.

ON-LY, a. [Sax. aenlic, one-like.]

  1. Single; one alone; as, John was the only man present.
  2. This and no other. This is an only child.
  3. This above all others. He is the only man for music. – Johnson.