Dictionary: PAL'MI-PED – PAL'SY

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A fowl that has webbed feet, or the toes connected by a membrane. – Encyc.

PAL'MIS-TER, n. [L. palma.]

One who deals in palmistry, or pretends to tell fortunes by the palm of the hand.

PAL'MIS-TRY, n. [L. palma, palm.]

  1. The art or practice of divining or telling fortunes by the lines and marks in the palm of the hand; a trick of imposture, much practiced by gipsies.
  2. Addison uses it humorously for the action of the hand. – Spectator.

PALM-SUN'DAY, n. [p'am-sunday]

The Sunday next before Easter; so called in commemoration of our Savior's triumphal entry into Jerusalem, when the multitude strewed palm branches in the way.

PALM'-TREE, n. [p'am-tree]

The date-tree or Phœnix dactylifera, a native of Asia and Africa, which grows to the highth of 60 and even of 100 feet, with an upright stem, crowned with a cluster of leaves or branches eight or nine feet long, extending all around like an umbrella. The fruit is in shape somewhat like an acorn. This tree transplanted will grow in Europe, but the fruit never ripens. – Encyc. This name is applied to other species of palms.

PALM'Y, a. [p'amy.]

Bearing palms. – Shak.

PALP, n. [L. palpus.]

A jointed sensiferous organ attached in pairs to the labium and maxilla of insects; a feeler.

PALP, v.t.

To feel. [Not authorized.]

PAL-PA-BIL'I-TY, n. [from palpable.]

The quality of being perceptible by the touch. – Arbuthnot.

PAL'PA-BLE, a. [Fr. from L. palpor, to feel; It. palpabile.]

  1. Perceptible by the touch; that may be felt; as, a palpable substance; palpable darkness. – Shak.
  2. Gross; coarse; easily perceived and detected; as, a palpable absurdity. – Tillotson.
  3. Plain; obvious; easily perceptible; as, palpable phenomena: palpable proof. – Hooker. Glanville.


The quality of being palpable; plainness; obviousness; grossness.

PAL'PA-BLY, adv.

  1. In such a manner as to be perceived by the touch.
  2. Grossly; plainly; obviously. Clodius was acquitted by a corrupt jury that had palpably taken shares of money. – Bacon.

PAL-PA'TION, n. [L. palpatio, from palpo, to feel, to stroke, from the root of feel, and Gr. παλλω, to shake. Probably the primary sense is to beat or strike gently, or to touch, or to spring, to leap, allied to Gr. βαλλω, Fr. baller.]

The act of feeling.


Having the form of palpi. [1841 Addenda only.]


Having the form of palpi or feelers.


Having palpi or feelers. [1841 Addenda only.]


Bearing palpi or feelers. – Kirby.

PAL'PI-TATE, v.i. [L. palpito, from palpo. Palpito illustrates the primary sense of palpo.]

To beat gently; to beat, as the heart; to flutter, that is, to move with little throws; as we say, to go pit a pat; applied particularly to a preternatural or excited movement of the heart.


Beating gently; fluttering.

PAL-PI-TA'TION, n. [L. palpitatio.]

  1. A beating of the heart; particularly, a preternatural beating or pulsation excited by violent action of the body, by fear, fright or disease. – Harvey. Arbuthnot.
  2. A violent, irregular motion of the heart. – Cullen. Parr.

PALS'GRAVE, n. [pawlzgrave; G. pfalzgraf, from pfalz, contracted from L. palatium, palace, and graf, an earl; D. paltsgraaf; Sax. gerefa, a reeve, whence sherif.]

A count or earl who has the superintendence of the king's palace. – Dict.

PAL'SIC-AL, a. [s as z. from palsy.]

Affected with palsy; paralytic.

PAL'SI-ED, pp. [from palsy.]

Affected with palsy.

PAL'SY, n. [s as z. supposed to be contracted from Gr. παραλυσις, relaxation; παραλυω, to loosen or relax.]

An abolition of function, whether of intellect, special sensation, voluntary motion, common sensation, or sympathetic motion.

PAL'SY, v.t.

  1. To paralyze; to destroy function.
  2. To destroy action or energy. – Dwight.