a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



Affected by the influence of planets; blasted. – Suckling.


A little planet. – Conybeare.


Pertaining to the mensuration of plain surfaces.

PLA-NIM'E-TRY, n. [L. planus, plain, and Gr. μετρεω, to measure.]

The mensuration of plain surfaces, or that part of geometry which regards lines and plain figures, without considering their highth or depth. – Encyc.

PLAN'ISH, v.t. [from plane.]

To make smooth or plain; to polish; used by manufacturers. – Henry's Chim.


Made smooth.


Making smooth; polishing.

PLAN'I-SPHERE, n. [L. planus, plain, and sphere.]

A sphere projected on a plane, in which sense, maps in which are exhibited the meridians and other circles, are planispheres. – Encyc.

PLANK, n. [Fr. planche; Arm. plancquenn, plur. plench; W. planc; D. plank; G. and Dan. planke; Sw. planka; Russ. placha, a board or plank. Probably n is casual and the word belongs to Class Lg.]

A broad piece of sawed timber, differing from a board only in being thicker. In America, broad pieces of sawed timber which are not more than an inch or an inch and a quarter thick, are called boards; like pieces from an inch and a half to three or four inches thick, are called planks. Sometimes pieces more than four inches thick are called planks.

PLANK, v.t.

To cover or lay with planks; as, to plank a floor or a ship.


Covered with planks.


Laying with planks.


Having no plan.


Devised; schemed.


One who plans or forms a plan; a projector.


Scheming; devising; making a plan.


Flat on one side, and concave on the other.

PLA-NO-CON'IC-AL, a. [plain and conical.]

Plain or level on one side and conical on the other. – Grew.

PLA-NO-CON'VEX, a. [plain and convex.]

Plain or flat on one side and convex on the other; as, a plano-convex lens. – Newton.


Having a level horizontal surface or position. – Lee.

PLA-NOR'BIS, n. [L. planus and orbis.]

A genus of fresh-water shells of a discoidal form. – Mantell.

PLA-NO-SUB'U-LATE, a. [See Subulate.]

Smooth and awl-shaped.

PLANT, n. [Fr. plante; It. pianta; L. Sp. Port. and Sw. planta; Ir. plaunda; D. plant; G. pflanze; Dan. plante; Arm. plantenn; W. plant, issue, offspring, children, from plan, a ray, a shoot, a plantation or planting, a plane; planed, a shooting body, a planet; pleiniaw, to radiate; plenig, radiant, splendid; plent, that is rayed; plentyn, a child; planta, to beget or to bear children. In It. Sp. and Port. planta signifies a plant and a plan. Here we find plan, plane, plant, planet, all from one stock, and the Welsh pleiniaw, to radiate, shows that the L. splendeo, splendor, are of the same family. The Celtic clan is probably the Welsh plan, plant, with a different prefix. The radical sense is obvious, to shoot, to extend.]

  1. A vegetable; an organic body, destitute of sense and spontaneous motion, adhering to another body in such a manner as to draw from it its nourishment, and having the power of propagating itself by seeds; “whose seed is in itself.” Gen. i. This definition may not be perfectly correct, as it respects all plants, for some aquatic plants grow without being attached to any fixed body. The woody or dicotyledonous plants consist of three parts; the bark or exterior coat which covers the wood; the wood, which is hard and constitutes the principal part; and the pith or center of the stem. In monocotyledonous plants, the ligneous or fibrous parts, and the pithy or parenchymatous, are equally distributed through the whole internal substance; and in the lower plants, funguses, sea-weed, &c. the substance is altogether parenchymatous. By means of proper vessels, the nourishing juices are distributed to every part of the plant. In its most general sense, plant comprehends all vegetables, trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, &c. In popular language, the word is generally applied to the smaller species of vegetables.
  2. A sapling. – Dryden.
  3. In Scripture, a child; a descendant; the inhabitant of a country. – Ps. cxliv. Jer. xlviii.
  4. The sole of the foot. [Little used.]
  5. The fixtures and tools necessary to carry on any trade, or mechanical business. [Local.] Sea-plant, a plant that grows on the sea or in salt water; sea-weed. Sensitive plant, a plant that shrinks on being touched, the Mimosa.

PLANT, v.i.

To perform the act of planting. – Pope.

PLANT, v.t.

  1. To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maiz.
  2. To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree or a vegetable with roots.
  3. To engender; to set the germ of any thing that may increase. It engenders choler, planteth anger. – Shak.
  4. To set; to fix. His standard planted on Laurentum's towers. – Dryden.
  5. To settle; to fix the first inhabitants; to establish; as, to plant a colony.
  6. To furnish with plants; to lay out and prepare with plants; as, to plant a garden or an orchard.
  7. To set and direct or point; as, to plant cannon against a fort.
  8. To introduce and establish; as, to plant Christianity among the heathen. I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. – 1 Cor. iii.
  9. To unite to Christ and fix in a state of fellowship with him. – Ps. xcii.